February 2018 – Page 7 – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates DiFi

Monday, 26 February 2018, 15:30 MJA 21

  BREITBART: California Democrats Refuse to Endorse Dianne Feinstein for Re-Election. The California Democratic Party declined to endorse incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) for re-election at its annual convention in [Read More]

Coke, Pepsi, or OxyContin?

Monday, 26 February 2018, 8:45 MJA 21

  American Thinker: Coke, Pepsi, or OxyContin.  Could that be coming to a vending machine near you?  Not yet, but the race is on in Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Seattle to see which American city will [Read More]

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