2022 – IOTW Report



30 Comments on 2022

  1. “I’ve always believed that the world is what we make of it.”

    (The only decent line from the movie π‘ͺ𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒕.)

  2. Sounds very Lennon-esque

    Another year over
    And a new one just begun

    A very merry Christmas
    And a happy New Year
    Let’s hope it’s a good one
    Without any fear

  3. Happy New Year everyone! We have a lot of work in front of us. Stay safe and get ready to defend our rights. There’s a bunch of TRAITOROUS BASTARDS looking to fuck us over.

  4. Happy New Year, everyone!

    My brother asked me tonight what I thought would happen in 2022. I told him that I have a hope that I can’t explain. But I do think, if it doesn’t change drastically in the direction of freedom, it won’t get worse than it is now.

    He said that he thought the people in charge are going to feel pretty desperate and do desperate things.

    I replied that if they get desperate and do something drastic, it will be the catalyst to maybe shake the lethargic Rs into stop being RINOs and do some actual good things. Now, I don’t know what that will be, but I pray that God brings his justice to this world.

    Each of us need to do something about the things we whine about here.

    I need to do something about voter fraud. I’ve tried calling, emailing and signing petitions, but the next thing is to be involved in the voting process; do something like be an election worker.

    What will you do?

  5. Claudia, election integrity is the number one goal for 2022 in my opinion. I think that the regressive democraps have overreached and turned the majority public opinion against themselves. It’s up to the election process to confirm that sentiment. I’m with you in trying to make that happen.

  6. I am starting the new year with a wonderful new Big Fur Hat painting! What can be better than that?! I also have the last boar I hunted being processed into delicious sausages as well as the skull being cleaned so I have that to look forward to as well.

    The new year is really just a continuation forward in time and I will continue to be non-compliant and a thorn in libtards’ sides as much as I can.

  7. Happy New Year, everyone! iOTWr is the place for informed conservatives. Hope we all have a great year.
    I’m optimistic the left’s plandemic will be in death throes in 2022. Yes, maybe worse before it gets better, yet we will survive. The Truth still sets you free.

  8. Happy New Year and to especially C only if anything?

    We MET her?!?!

    And OF course to everyone else, like some others who we met on a ‘IOTWr trip’ never to forget two summers ago.

    C, btw, I have been meaning to send some Critter pics to ya!!!

  9. 2022 is one year closer to Jesus coming back than 2021.I have always been a optimistic person, but that optimism has lessened seeing how easily it has been for people to become deceived these past couple of years.

  10. Be optimistic
    Be patient
    Be kind
    Be a friend
    Be able to make the best of bad situations
    Be creative
    Be learning
    Be faithful = full of faith
    Be helpful
    Be of good cheer
    Be content
    Be glad to wake up
    Be looking forward to the future
    Happy New year!
    Be all you can be

  11. I believe the Bible is God’s word and plan for His children (those who profess Jesus as their Lord and do His will). It tells us of the glorious victory that we have to look forward to in the very near future. Those who do not profess Jesus as Lord have a fearful expectation of a coming judgment.

    To those who understand the typology of the Old Testament, Abraham was a type of God the Father, his son Isaac was a type of God the Son (Jesus) and Abraham’s top servant Eliezer (Gk: God of help; helper) was a type of God the Holy Ghost. In Genesis 22 God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on Mt. Moriah (the same mountain that Jesus was sacrificed on). As soon as Abraham hears this command, Isaac becomes dead to him. By faith, Abraham believes that God will raise Isaac from the dead because God promised Abraham that He would raise up many nations through Isaac. Abraham takes his son Isaac and his servant Eliezer to Mt. Moriah-a 3-day journey. That means that Isaac was dead to Abraham 3 days-Jesus was dead 3 days. Abraham tells his servants that he and Isaac were going up the mountain to worship God (he was going to sacrifice Isaac) and that they would return. Abraham demonstrates that he believed that God would resurrect Isaac. Jesus was resurrected on the third day after His crucifixion. In verse 19, it states that Abraham returned to his servants and Isaac is not mentioned until chapter 24 when he meets Rebekah (a type of the Church [all the born-again believers of Jesus]) and marries her. Isaac takes her into his mother’s tent (a type of cloud?). Is this the Rapture?

    I said all that to say this: In Joshua 3:3-4, Joshua’s commanders tell the Israelites and rest of the sojourners to sanctify themselves for they are going into their Promised Land. They are told to follow the ark of the covenant by β€œabout 2,000 cubits”. When the ark and the priests (including the High Priest) entered the Jordan river, they entered their promised land about 2,000 cubits before the Israelites.

    Jesus is our High Priest (Heb. 3:1). He ascended into the clouds and went into Heaven. Are we to follow Jesus, our High Priest, into the clouds and Heaven (our Promised Land) about 2,000 years (cubits) after His ascension? There’s no biblical basis to change cubits to years, I admit, but it is at least an interesting concept.

    If one could nail down the birth year of Jesus, then the year of His ascension could known. Add 2,000 years to that and that would be the year of His coming to rapture His church and to pour out God’s judgment on all those who remain on the earth.

    A terrible time is coming. It will be the worst time in human history. In fact, all mankind would be killed except that time will be cut short when Jesus returns to rescue His believers. He promised that in Revelation 3:10: Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you (the Rapture) from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth (God’s judgment on the ungodly).

    Romans 5:3-4 states that tribulation brings perseverance: And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope (the salvation of Jesus when He returns). You can’t have perseverance without tribulation. Jesus persevered through great tribulation to the point of death. We will experience great tribulation (some to the point of death) until Jesus Christ returns.

    That sounds extremely bad until you realize that Jesus persevered with God’s love and help. We will do the same. We will experience the greatest outpouring of God’s love and help since Jesus’ first advent. What God did for the Israelites in the desert (guidance, protection, provision), He will do for us. He is the God of consolation. He knows how to deliver us. Therefore, lift up your head for your redemption draws near.

    For those who have not chosen to follow Jesus, do it now. No one knows the time of your entering eternity. Ask Jesus now to forgive you of your sins and follow Him. Now is the acceptable day of salvation. Today is the first day of a new year and can be the first day of a new, wonderful way of live and incredible eternity. You won’t get a second chance after Jesus returns (if you make it that far).


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