January 2024 – Page 42 – IOTW Report

How Was Your Trip, Joe?

Tuesday, 2 January 2024, 16:00 Dr. Tar 13

Breitbart President Joe Biden, 81, found it difficult to stay upright in 2023. According to his annual physical conducted in February by physician Kevin O’Connor, Biden suffers from atrial fibrillation, peripheral neuropathy in his [Read More]

He FA and FO

Tuesday, 2 January 2024, 12:00 MJA 9

Man Who Tries to Steal Trump Flag at New Year’s Mummers Parade in Philly Gets Punched in the Face.

J6: A True Timeline

Tuesday, 2 January 2024, 11:00 MJA 5

The Creator and Producer for the documentary is AJ Fischer of InvestigateJ6. AJ is a J6 defendant who knows more than most about what transpired on the West side of the Capitol; [Read More]

Tuesday, 2 January 2024, 10:44 BFH 7

Sharyl Attkisson- (excerpts) Donald Trump has been slandered and libeled thousands of times. Each time a news reporter, media commentator, or judge refers to Trump as an “insurrectionist,” or claims [Read More]

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