2a Explained to a Smirking Woman – IOTW Report

2a Explained to a Smirking Woman

22 Comments on 2a Explained to a Smirking Woman

  1. Logic, reason, foresight and facts have ZERO impact on leftists. There is NO REASON to waste your time, energy or breath on these people.

    They did not reason their way into their beliefs, and you certainly will not reason them away from them.

  2. What Lowell said.
    However, I have had some success taking someone that was anti gun shooting. Female, school teacher. She’s now an NRA licensed trainer and an RSO. That was 15 years ago. Could it happen today? I don’t think so. In fact I wouldn’t even try. They’re to polarized.

  3. @Brad. “However, I have had some success taking someone that was anti gun shooting. Female, school teacher. She’s now an NRA licensed trainer and an RSO.”

    This may be the biggest win I’ve ever read. You should be proud of that.

  4. It’s the “Shepherdess” and taken out of context. This is a smallholding farming/marketing YT creator that does hairsheep content. She markets and appeals to homesteaders and small farmers, she is not (unless legally retarded) against a primary wedge issue for her market (and if so, would she tell all of her market?).

  5. I took my shotgun to school with me back in the early 70’s locked up inside my dad’s 56 Ford F100 P/U and went bird hunting in the afternoon in the fall after school. No one said anything about it, even the teachers did the same. It was no big deal back then, now I would be arrested. And no one was ever shot at my HS, and if there was a fight it was usually bare knuckles after school off of school grounds. Or the PE teacher would take the 2 knuckleheads into the gym after school, give them each boxing gloves and let them duke it out under his supervision and make them shake hands afterwards. And sometimes they even became friends after that. I can only think of one guy who ever had a gun in HS but he never used it. And just about everyone had a pocketknife of some sort on them in their pocket. And in grade school about 3rd or 4th grade in Ephrata, Wash. we played mumblypeg with our pocketknife’s, as well as shooting marbles around 1962 or 1963.

  6. We don’t have a gun problem in this country.
    We have a culture problem in this country!

    Liberals always have a plan, until they get punched in the mouth!
    As soon as crime hits them full-on in the mouth they get red-pilled!
    Until then they’re just dumbed-down, pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, feel-good Kumbaya-singers!

  7. I thought she did a damn good job of letting him get his point across. If she were a libturd she would have been interrupting him as he spoke. If you watch the entire interview you will see that, instead of making knee jerk reactions and BS remarks!

  8. Everything he said democommies know very well. Democrats do not care about protecting innocent lives. They do not care about protecting children. They are communists, socialists, NAZIs and fascists. Their goal is a pedophile/communist/NAZI state controlled by them. They can’t achieve that with patriots standing in the way.


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