Obama’s monument to himself covertly grabbing $244 million of Illinois taxpayers’ money – IOTW Report

Obama’s monument to himself covertly grabbing $244 million of Illinois taxpayers’ money

Unfortunately, the notion that taxpayers would be unmolested is fake news.  

American Thinker: Barack Obama announced that he would not have a federally funded presidential library, but instead would rely on private money paid to the Obama Foundation to build a “presidential center” that may or may not have any books (we still don’t know, but there definitely will be basketball courts).  That’s what Obama wants, so that’s what Obama gets.

The entire project would be all his to control, a monument created by the person being honored.  Normally, that is the practice of dictators like Saddam Hussein, but Barack Hussein Obama was a president like no other.

And oddly enough, the building style chosen by the Obamas resembles nothing so much as a cenotaph, even though Obama is alive and kicking.

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14 Comments on Obama’s monument to himself covertly grabbing $244 million of Illinois taxpayers’ money

  1. Illinois democrats have bankrupted the State of Illinois. Businesses have relocated out of state and the residents are following suit.

    Illinois has compiled $14.6 billion in unpaid bills. It’s running a deficit of $6 billion, and its pension liability has soared to $130 billion. **

    How many generations will it take to pay off the ever increasing debt?
    Heck, what’s another $244 million of red ink for obama’s legacy of failure?

    This is a fitting tribute to the socialist obama.

    **How Illinois became America’s failed state

  2. F.D.R. in Hell, don’t think Burt Reynolds made it. You’re being played by a minion.
    You can more than likely expect his ex Sally Fields to show up eventually.


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