3D-Printed Bridge Opened In Amsterdam – IOTW Report

3D-Printed Bridge Opened In Amsterdam


The world’s first 3D printed bridge was unveiled in Amsterdam’s Red Light District on Thursday.

The bridge — weighing just over 9,900 pounds — was created by torch-wielding robotic arms that welded the structure.

It was later transported to the Oudezijds Achterburgwal canal in central Amsterdam, where it was constructed and opened to bicycle and pedestrian traffic.

Queen Máxima of the Netherlands opened the bridge by operating a scissor-wielding robot to cut a ribbon. More

8 Comments on 3D-Printed Bridge Opened In Amsterdam

  1. Talk about your bridge to Hookerville. What is about the last 2 stories about fools and hookers? Maybe DeBlasio could build one in NYC so the johns could safely cross the street to get their illegal nookie. And make it a toll bridge as well.

  2. All Too Much
    JULY 17, 2021 AT 5:27 PM
    “When robots create robots, we’re screwed.”

    …they will if that’s what they are programmed to do. Robots do what they are told.

    …like Democrat voters kinda, but with 95% less evil …

  3. Brings back fond memories,1974.(long story short).
    Arrived in Amsterdam off the ferry from England.
    Made friends with a guy from Cali on the crossing,i am from Toronto.
    Booked into a Hostel for a couple of bucks.
    Went out for a look around in the city at night time.
    Got about or aboot 50 yards down the street and both of us looked at each other in awe at the semi naked Women sitting in the street level windows.
    Yes we were in the Red Light district.

  4. It wasn’t said, but I’m assuming (always dangerous) that this bridge building 3D process used the sintering (fusing) of metal powder -vs- the current melting-&-extruding-plastic-string process.

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