40 Percent of Student Loan Repayments Missed – IOTW Report

40 Percent of Student Loan Repayments Missed

Red State

We find today that the nation is in an interesting position, in which government-guaranteed student loans, something that the Constitution does not allow the federal government to guarantee, were “paused” for three years due to the recent COVID issue, which essentially abrogates centuries of contract law. And now, these loans are not being repaid on time since the resumption of those required payments. More

12 Comments on 40 Percent of Student Loan Repayments Missed

  1. Part of the law said they can’t get dinged for nonpayment until next September. We’ll see how many pay by then. Although my guess is that come September they will cry poor.
    But then it will only be 4 months away from a Trump presidency, when all the crying in the world won’t help. 🙂

  2. What about those that honored their contractual obligations and paid off their loans? Do they get a refund? What about us old folks who worked and paid our own way through college and graduate school? Does the government pay is back? Even in retirement I’m being soaked through taxes. Where’s the “equity” Democrats all yell about? What a hairbrained can of worms idea. Just purchasing votes. Nothing more. Democrats can’t win on their merit because they have none.

  3. Since we’re on the topic of money, this comment is only somewhat off-topic. You may have seen articles in the news over the past several weeks that Costco has been selling gold. I’ve checked every couple of days and they’ve been sold out each time…until just now.


    They’re selling Canadian maple leaf 1oz. coins for $2,060. The spot price right now is $2,027. $33/oz premium is VERY reasonable these days. And if you have a Costco VISA card you get 2% cash back on the purchase, meaning you get the ounce for less than $2,020.

    IMO, although the price of gold today is mighty high I believe it will keep going up. There will be some fluctuation but I think the trend has to be higher, if for no other reason the price in dollars of gold is as much a reflection of the value of the dollar as it is the value of the metal.

  4. Like all statistics a deeper dive is in order. Do they break that down between liberal arts vs hard science degrees? How about libtard degrees vs liberal arts?


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