5 Reasons Why Biden Soiling Himself Showed The Leadership Americans Desperately Need – IOTW Report

5 Reasons Why Biden Soiling Himself Showed The Leadership Americans Desperately Need

The Glorious American

Sure Joe Biden may have filled his appearance with the Pope with gaffs, but he also filled our hearts with warmth. And yes, while standing next to the holy man (now known as ‘brown zero’), people also noticed his pants were filled with warmth too. Sure, it’s easy to make fun of Joe Biden soiling himself on the world’s stage, but The Glorious American has chosen to be classy and point out how this actually shows the leadership Americans desperately need.

1.) Vladimir Putin is now on his heels. Joe Biden literally has months remaining as President and many summits with the Russian President are forthcoming. Reportedly, Vlad is very rattled at Joe pooping his pants and he’s already changed the venue of their meeting—a clear sign of weakness. “I don’t want him near my furniture,” Putin offered as an excuse.


14 Comments on 5 Reasons Why Biden Soiling Himself Showed The Leadership Americans Desperately Need

  1. Biden brings us new meaning to the term shitty President.

    BTW… didn’t Hunter have a photo of himself in his tidywhities with a shit stain too? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Damn!


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