$62 Million for Solar Panels Sent to Alaska, Where Sun Doesn’t Shine for Half the Year – IOTW Report

$62 Million for Solar Panels Sent to Alaska, Where Sun Doesn’t Shine for Half the Year


Every time the Left says we can’t possibly cut anything from the budget without draconian changes to Medicare and Social Security, a story comes along that proves there’s a lot of excess spending that could be cut.

But this writer thinks someone, somewhere, is making bank off this insane spending which is why the government has zero interest in ending it.

That needs to change.

All the stuff pointed out by Twitchy fav Oilfield Rando and his Randoland account is a good place to start. 

19 Comments on $62 Million for Solar Panels Sent to Alaska, Where Sun Doesn’t Shine for Half the Year

  1. The total allotment of sunshine in Anchorage is about the same as anywhere. (I’d have to look it up, but I think it comes out to be the same anywhere on earth over the span of a year.) In December the sun rises in the south and sets in the south between around 11:00am and 3:00pm. But there’re no fireworks on the 4Th of July due to the fact that it never really gets dark at that time of year. The problem is that winter is when you need the extra power.

  2. I’m currently in Palmer and spent the last 4 days in Talkeetna. In this part of Alaska, at this time of year, the sun rises above the horizon around 10:30, stays low in the sky all day and drops below the horizon around 3:30. Dusk lingers for another hour then darkness settles in. Fantastic aurora displays on New Year’s Eve though.
    The good news is it’s getting lighter every day!

  3. The Leftist plan here is to establish the solar farm in the northern most part of Alaska where the panels would be buried by snow and ice for 11 months of the year. The positive side is they would never have to be replaced due to the fact they would very rarely function.


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