95 Years Ago, The USSR Was Formed. Let’s Look At The Numbers. – IOTW Report

95 Years Ago, The USSR Was Formed. Let’s Look At The Numbers.

DailyCaller: As America begins preparations for Sunday’s New Year’s Eve festivities, some might be celebrating another holiday — that of the formation of the Soviet Union.

The USSR, established Dec. 30, 1922 by Vladimir Lenin, was born out of the same needless bloodshed that would later define it. Five years prior in 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution began, sparking a civil war that would leave millions dead, many by sheer acts of murder committed by competing factions.

Estimates state that up to 9 million individuals perished during the Russian Revolution — mostly needlessly through famine and various outbreaks of disease. Bolshevik violence became so pervasive that the term “Red Terror” is now scarred into the psyche of many Russians. The secret police of the proto-USSR, the Cheka, are estimated to have murdered 100,000 to 500,000 individuals through forced labor or mass executions from 1917 to 1922.  read more

9 Comments on 95 Years Ago, The USSR Was Formed. Let’s Look At The Numbers.

  1. “We will have to liquidate 25% of the population … [to initiate socialism]”
    (Bill Ayers, Obola “friend and advisor”)

    “The more innocent they are, the more they deserve to die.”
    (Brecht, commenting on Soviet atrocities)

    “Death, death, and more death!”
    (Stalin to his stooges in Ukraine to implement the collective utopia)

    “We didn’t have to go to school and we got to kill people.”
    (answer from a Cambodian when asked why he joined the Khmer Rouge)

    Almost as bad as the musselmen … almost …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. But they had universal health care, free education, and reasonably priced housing. It’s working in Cuba and Venezuela. Obama said so. We needed to be Fundamentally Transformed in order to appreciate Socialism.

  3. I’d like to add my two cents: The ‘revolution’ was actually a coup. Alexander Karensky formed a provisional government after the Czar abdicated. Lenin was a coward. He was hiding out in Switzerland. The Germans wanted to stir up trouble so they put him on a sealed train and shipped him to Russia. He helped stage a coup of the Karensky-led government and took credit for a revolution he was to cowardly to attend.

  4. Anyone interested in this subject should read, “On A Field of Red” by Anthony Cave Brown and Charles B. MacDonald. It’s the best book on the Communist International and the single-minded ferocity used by the Russian Communists to subvert and infiltrate the Western Democracies before the last World War.

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