The Gen-Neutrals (The Cursed Generation) – IOTW Report

The Gen-Neutrals (The Cursed Generation)

Today’s expecting parents are choosing gender neutral names for the generation placed in their charge.

Cute Baby (14)

Amari, Karter, Phoenix, Quinn, Reese, are the top 5 gender neutral names this year.


The popularity of gen-neutral names is but an early sign that the next generation grow up with little to nothing of value to guide them through life.

Given the draining on judgment and common sense from the public sphere (the recent SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage as exhibit one), I predict that the generation being born today is going to be so opinion deficit by the time they make their way through the leftist agenda propagation mill of our modern public school system, they will be incapable of rendering judgment about anything and will withdraw into a catatonic state of mind.

They are destined to become the Gen-Neutrals.  They will be cursed with having no values, convictions or expectations handed down to them by their parents, or developed through society’s traditional institutions.  They will be unable to function in a world that demands rational decisions from the adult population.

Asked for an opinion on anything and they’ll mumble, “whatever” or “I don’t care.”  They’ll know nothing of history, religion or moral boundaries and be quite happy with that state of affairs until someone tries to impose any kind of meaningful restriction (like gender) on them.

They will make the prefect Democrat voters.

24 Comments on The Gen-Neutrals (The Cursed Generation)

  1. So names like mine Jeff and my brothers Scott, Eric and Rex are not normal anymore. And what about my 6 brother in laws Mike, Mark, Dave, Thomas (also my sons name), Kevin and Tim and my father in law Bob and my Dad John Henry. My mom Ruth and mother in law Jean. And my late wife Patty (Patricia), her sisters Carol and Robbie (Roberta), no longer common. I never had a sister but her name would’ve been Willie Lee if she had been born, unlucky her. All normal middle class names which are no longer for the most part used anymore.

  2. The generation being born today will be incapable of defending their own culture much less define what it is, because their parents are incapable of conveying values and norms of behavior to their children, since its wrong now to be judgmental or opinionated.

    We will leave a legacy not of a strong nation that is confident in itself and its values, but a hedonistic mess of self absorbed, morally confused and ultimately community destructive and nation destroying idiots who won’t know what they let die from neglect till the nations of the world that maintained their societies dominate the future.

  3. Bad Luck seems like a good gender neutral name.

    Worm – For the trannys – as worms can be either male or female and switch whenever.

    Freak of Nature has always been a favorite.

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