Most college students don’t support the asinine leftist agenda set by the loud, shrill minority – IOTW Report

Most college students don’t support the asinine leftist agenda set by the loud, shrill minority

The GOP is going to be amazed how much support the dismantling of leftism in this country will receive once in power.
Support for the leftist agenda is wildly overstated and largely built on media compliance, loud voices, and cowardice by our representatives.

9 Comments on Most college students don’t support the asinine leftist agenda set by the loud, shrill minority

  1. From the college students I’ve talked in my family, it’s hook ….line and sinker.
    They love lefty people like John Stewart. Every show they watch reinforces what they believe to be the truth.
    The teachers also reinforce all lefty talking points.
    But maybe that’s just the dopes in my family.

  2. Well, shit. More of those college students, please.
    It’s not going to stop until the rest of them get some common sense education and the will to tell the prog children NO.

  3. If there’s that much support for dismantling leftism in this country then the GOP had better get their shit together or they’re gonna see that vote go to a third party!

  4. There is an old saying that has many variations, one of which is as follows:
    “If a man is not a Socialist at age 20,
    he has no heart. But if he remains one at age 30, he has no head.”

    It is frequently attributed to Winston Churchill, but it is actually much older than that.

  5. I have 6 daughters 5 of which are foaming at the mouth liberals who just love John Stewart and lefty ilk just like him. At a family dinner a couple of years ago I informed them I would chew of my foot rather than be forced to watch him. Their stunned disbelief was actually funny. Family dinners are known to get interesting.

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