How to insult a “progressive” – IOTW Report

6 Comments on How to insult a “progressive”

  1. Yes, very good points and accurate. Although complete on its own, there is one point to add: unions. Tell a prog that unions suck. I’ve had dinner guests slander me in my own house as I kindly show them the door.

    Want to know how to assault a progressive? Show him your fist.

  2. Where the heck’s Ronald J. Ward when we need him?

    He could learn so much from this video.
    Oh wait, that’s right – he’s been “working like 12 to 16 hour days” and has “little time to try to argue politics”. So sad. Most people can get their work done in 7 or 8 hours, but hey – he’s a Progressive, so you have to take his disability into account.

    Anyway…hurry back, Ron – there’s windmills to tilt at here.

    ; D

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