Ladies and Gentleman, I Give You The Party of Intelligentsia – IOTW Report

Ladies and Gentleman, I Give You The Party of Intelligentsia

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37 Comments on Ladies and Gentleman, I Give You The Party of Intelligentsia

  1. Poop-Fetish holds up a sign like that, yet he’s the one wearing a hat with a big “P” on it….nice.

    If he’s so all about dat poop, I’d love the honor of beating the shit out of him.
    The hell with my screen name….For this guy I’d use my fists…

  2. Oh, look… a “Phillies” fan. Or, perhaps it’s code for the “City of BROTHERLY Love”, an allusion to his own sexual perversion. Either way, MLB should sue him for defamation.

    I’d like to see someone stand two feet from Hitlery with such a sign. I’m sure anyone attempting any such feat would be “roped” away, as if they were errant members of the Fourth Estate.

    This guy should be ‘Shopped into another Internet meme, like the beer looter from Katrina.

  3. well when no real argument against the guy holds any water. you have to resort to this type of activity to get attention. We may make fun of her thighness , the mooch, horse face etc, but we also have real facts behind our complaints, not made up things that the leftoids have to invent.

  4. Another thing…these kids think their futures lie in union jobs? “Hey kiddo, come back when you’re 6’5″ and weigh +350. Otherwise ya just don’t cut it. Kappisch?”

  5. Those were paid agitators from a local staffing agency, hired by the Left as Astroturfed “grass roots”. I could tell because they didn’t misspell their signs.

    If they’d been genuine Leftists they would have had all sorts of shit misspelled.

  6. On the signs, I notice that all letters are in bold except for “alker”. Could it be that the signs needed to be “fixed” when onlookers didn’t know who Scott W was? Or maybe one of the sign holders is also Scott W and he doesn’t want to tarnish his reputation. (Too late!)

  7. Honest question: was this at some event with Walker there?
    If it was, I honestly wonder what the circumstances were that led his security (and political handlers) to let these creeps near him.

    Can you imagine any Democrat letting such nitwits so close to them? You don’t have to be as psycho as Hillary’s rope team, but optics are optics…important.

  8. When the teabagger insults started I used their own immaturity against them. In lots of Soviet & socialist propaganda you see the raised fists, even statues of it. Workers of the world unite type stuff. So, if we are teabaggers then they are fisters. I’ve shut down several libs with that one.

  9. “Walker lives in my butt” well buddy since it’s obvious that Walker lives in your head and your head is obviously up your butt then Yeah Walker does live in your butt”.

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