Huge Stain On Trump Platform – IOTW Report

Huge Stain On Trump Platform

Trump is a supporter of Kelo v. New London, a Supreme Court decision that is horrendous.

Trump keeps saying that Kelo is eminent domain, “which is wonderful.” Kelo is not eminent domain. Kelo allows the government to declare an area, or a house, “blighted,” seize the house and then turn the property over to private developers (like a casino mogul.)

That is a massive assault on private property rights, a principle that separates us from Banana Republics.

This is a significant blow to my faith in Trump. You cannot allow the government to have the power to take property from a private citizen and give it to another private citizen, one that promises it will increase tax revenues.

Trump better get his head right on this issue.

(By the way. I’m happy to know what his stances are, but this is desperation time on the part of Fox, trotting out all sorts of questions that never get asked of other candidates.)


74 Comments on Huge Stain On Trump Platform

  1. By my estimation he is so right on every other major issue that it is practically no contest between him and the rest of the pack. Yes, I disagree on him with this, but it is a baby w/the bathwater decision for me and I am not inclined to throw the baby out w/the bathwater. If anyone is looking for perfection, thy are not going to find it and ya’ wanna’ know something: the electorate elected people who set public policy and as such Donald Trump was doing what the voters in AC, through their elected representatives, wanted him to do.

  2. This has been a problem with me for a while. It definitely is a black stain on his resume, possibly a deal breaker. Too bad we don’t have a perfect candidate, it would be so much easier.

  3. Meh. Not a huge thing.

    I mean I get it that the optics are of a elderly widowed woman, who has no where to go and no one to help her, being forcibly dragged from her quaint little cottage. The mean business guy then tosses her two or three dollars, and tells her to call someone who cares.

    USUALLY it is one or two holdouts who want to drive the price much higher because they are the last home holding up the projects. Meanwhile most of the other sellers had received decent buyouts, and have moved on to greener pastures. It has happened a few times around here, and it has always been that the homeowner a) wanted more money because of “emotional attachment” to home, or b) emotional attachment to home and refused to EVER sell home.

    It is a rare occurrence either way. AND if they are grilling Trump about this – when are then going to get other candidates to go on record about the very same issue? This is a heart-tugging topic, and very useful to manipulate people who support Trump.

    I, for one, don’t care to be manipulated.

  4. I remember visiting Atlantic City over 30 years ago, there was a casino that was built all around this tiny house or dwelling of some sort. It looked so odd, but it was someone who held out and wouldn’t sell.
    I always felt like they won the battle but lost the war.

    I don’t believe it was one of Trumps? Perhaps it was?
    It was on the Boardwalk, not the marina.

  5. Saw his interview with Hannity on this. He is sticking to his guns. Kept saying that “for the good of society” eminent domain is wonderful. He did emphasize that the people the government is displacing are being paid more than the property is worth.

  6. As long as he keeps blowing up the RINO machine he’s MY GUY, until the primaries, and then when I write in Cruz at he faux “elections” in 2016, when Bounel is “re-elected”(if any election takes place at all, which I doubt).

  7. Here’s some clarification to Trump’s point, both the article and the comments are worth reading.

    Constitutionally and in theory, eminent domain is reasonable.
    BUT: I agree that contemporary overreaching like KELO is awful.
    And THAT’S the reality of today’s “eminent domain”…until the Supremes somehow strike down KELO.

  8. So far Trump’s been long on promises, short on details of how he’ll deliver on them. People are fed up with politics as usual, sure, but he’d better do more than he has so far if he wants to get the Republican nomination.

    I guess the thing that bothers me most is that I’m starting to get a strong feeling of deja vu, like maybe I’ve seen this circus before…

  9. “Short on details”.
    Are you kidding me. What other candidate is releasing specific plans on the economy or gun control. And he will continue to release policy as the campaign proceeds. It seems to me he’s been a lot more specific than anybody else running.

  10. Hate the game not the player. I couldn’t find anywhere where Trump used eminent domain. But it is the government that uses it. Crooked politicians being paid by crooked developers to abuse the public.

    And it’s been going on for a long time. There are a bunch of small towns at the bottom of the TVA lakes in the east…

  11. The whole gov’t is a cesspool.

    The best we can hope for is that he kicks the illegals out. If he does that, i’ll be satisfied. If I get any indication that he’s not really gonna do that, i’ll be done with him.

  12. Come on, give Trump a break. You know that he’s as pro private property rights as anyone. Private property has been his life. You’ve also got to know that sometimes the government needs a certain piece of land. I think Trump did a very good job of explaining this. Land isn’t stolen from people, and they are more than fairly compensated for it.

    It is very unlikely that ANY candidate is going to have the exact stance as you on every issue.

    We got enough people running down Trump. Lets not add to it.

  13. You’re right that few of the candidates have been very specific about anything, and that’s my point. I’m not jumping on any particular person’s bandwagon until that has happened, regardless of how attractive they may appear at this juncture. If you want to do that, it’s fine with me. Beauty is, as they say, in the eye of the beholder.


  14. If this is such a big “stain” then why is anyone, anywhere considering candidates who support Common Core, Illegal Amnesty, blah, blah, blah. This is sounding like a spotted owl or snail problem to me — and that’s the rallying cry of the left, for sure!

    Yes, let’s dump on Trump for one thing (that he is at least being totally honest about) and let the left usher in Liawatha, bernie sanders, biden or clinton. And unless we’ve all gotten amnesia in the last 24 hours, the rest of the GOPe lineup will be just as wonderful as any ‘rat candidate. Cruz would be great, but he is not going to get the nomination. That leaves Ben Carson. Nice, but not an expert deal maker/deal breaker.

  15. If you grew up in AC as I did you’d know AC was the definition of “blight” thanks to LBJ’s “Great Society” that paid to knock buildings down but not build anything in its place.

    That’s why NJ voted in casinos to begin with. AC was a hell hole that couldn’t get any worse.

  16. There was one house in AC that was holding out for a ridiculous price. I think the casino was the Golden Nugget (Wynn’s). They couldn’t make a deal so they built the casino around the house.

    Served the owner right. All those houses were shithole boarding house fire traps that they got way more than anyone else would have paid.

  17. I think it was Wynn’s Golden Nugget. The house was on a side street but not on the boardwalk or even with a view of the ocean. They held out for a king’s ransom and screwed themselves. Had nothing to do with sentimental value or family home.

    I grew up in AC and know the story. It was big news. People made a fortune selling ancient broken down houses that no one would consider buying before the casinos came in.

    You can see a lot of those types of homes as you drive in to AC from the marina area. They had been turned into boarding houses for people who came to AC from Phila for a week in the summer. Middle class folks has long before abandoned AC for Wildwood and Ocean City motels.

  18. This is a good opening for Dr Carson. He has stated that when the decision was made to appoint Supreme Court Justices for life the average life span was 47 years. And that with the longer life spans today we might want reconsider this law and change it.

    Stevens wrote the majority decision on Kelo v New London. Kennedy wrote the concurring opinion. Supported by Souter, Ginsburg and Beyer. O’Connor, Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas were in the minority.

    And we are all too familiar with the muddled thinking of Roberts “Champion of Obamacare”. This is one reason why I have little respect for the opinions or conclusions of “the experts”.

  19. No, this isn’t a huge problem, it is a YUGE problem! This by itself is a 2.999999 strike deal! I can’t see a way around this for him. He didn’t misinterpret or get quoted out of context, he said it, and said it proudly!

    I’m glad I never abandoned Cruz.

    Trump is done.

  20. This such a fundamental principled policy that he has so freaking wrong that it is unforgivable. It’s as bad as bedding your virgin wife and she has a dick. What, you gonna flip her over and use a different entry point? No, it’s a deal killer.

  21. Isn’t that what the current tyrant is doing? Just doing what ever he wants. No thank you to the ignorant voter. Learn your history and U.S. Constitution.

    No. It isn’t a “Kingdom.” Fix it within the boundaries of the Constitution. Otherwise, be content with the current TYRANT and don’t exchange it for another. “He can do what ever he wants,” is an ignorant statement

    You need to move to where there is a king, dictator, or TYRANT. Oh, wait…

  22. That’s a pile of crap! As a subject of eminent domain occasions, let me tell you how it works. First they offer tax value. If you complain, you get an appraisal, and then they offer that. Next, you have to remove any personal property at your own expense (ie” mobile home, boat, old car, assorted junk or whatever), and if you make a profit, you have to pay capitol gains taxes (currently ~40% in my state). All of this takes years in court to finally settle out. The entire idea of eminent domain sucks from the git go, making it about property value or jobs is UNACCEPTABLE! Can I be clearer on this?

  23. Huge stain? Who are you fucking thinking about, Fur? Ed Assner’s character from the movie “Up”?

    Are you “Conservatives” seriously taking the pulse of 2015 America and deciding that old obstinate dickheads living in dilapidated bungalos and refusing to sell for 5X value in an otherwise commercial zone is the ideological hill that you want to die on?

    I generally find most of you here reasonable, but for me this is a serious “Get your fucking head out of your ass” moment.

    Why does Trump having 90% of the property that makes a development dream come to fruition and needing the last 10% at a HUGE premium make him a pariah, while the fucking government simply tells you to fuck off, making them angels “for the public good”, and him a major anti-American asshole?

    And these were things done in an era where it was in his best interest to do so. That’s not Trump now.

    If you still think that this is colonial America and we’re all just Sam Adams and Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine, fine. But that time was full of promise and smart people grounded in reality. To believe that now, you’re delusional.

    We’ve lost the media, we’ve lost the youth, we’re awash in debt and doubt, nit to mention foreigners already here wishing we’d just die already, and our “leader” clearly wants to cede our entire way of life to the United Nations, who’d sooner see us rot before they considered the position of even ONE real American.

    If you don’t see that Trump is our last chance to change this back without flowing rivers of blood, then I don’t know how to help you.

    But either way, stop fucking around with small ball shit that doesn’t matter.

  24. This is what I feared about Trump from the beginning. I always new that at some point (after he gained widespread acceptance from conservatives) he would say something so profoundly stupid he would drag down all conservatives in the process. I am glad it is sooner than later, and I thank FOX for doing it early!

  25. Ya know, I was sincere in askin’ ya’, but if being assholish is what you want. you have at it. Was that an innuendo on Cruz flip floppin’ I missed?

    We be on the same team Brad, no need to be killin’ each other over it.


  26. Hey! I just remembered a Douglass Adams thingy! Earth was in the way for an interstellar bypass and was to be destroyed by the Vogans (don’t listen to their poetry) for the greater good of the galaxy, but I don’t recall any Earthlings getting paid top dollar for their planet. Arthur did get a free ride (and a towel), but who made the big money on that deal?

  27. No candidate will ever be perfect. There are pluses and minuses and you just want the pluses to be more numerous and have more substance than the minuses.

    If congress passed a constitutional amendment (and the states ratified it) overturning Kelo, there is nothing Trump could do. I hate the Kelo decision as much as anyone but if Trump is going to be the anti-Obama on everything else, he’s got my vote.

  28. No. It’s not a tick.
    Kelo is one of the worst decisions ever handed down by SCOTUS.
    It renders America a Banana Republic when the government can decide your property is in a prime location and they take your home away and do not use it for the “public good,” like a highway, or school, but hand it over to a favored developer for their use.
    This means donations to the right politician can put you in jeopardy. Your PRIVATE PROPERTY is in jeopardy.
    This is contrary to everything America, and its foundational constitutional principles, which is heavy on property rights, is built upon.
    It’s not a tick.

    Kelo is horrendous and Trump loves it.
    That’s scary.
    He better think hard about this one. It’s unAmerican.

  29. Yes, no candidate is perfect, and I understand + and -. Some times it’s not the number of +’s and -‘s, it is how big and bold the +’s and -‘s are. If a candidate had 9 +’s and said as his – that he wanted to abolish the 2nd amendment, that one – negates all +’s. Would you consider that candidate as 90% correct on the issues you believe in?

    I didn’t think so.

  30. There is no freedom, liberty and protection when the government can seize your property, not for the public good, but to hand to a private developer who greased the politicians.
    You are dead wrong on this and it is pretty friggin frightening how wrong.

    I think you should read up on Kelo and its ramifications, the danger it poses and how the horrendous SCOTUS decision undid huge swaths of the constitution.

    “Justice John Paul Stevens virtually destroyed the Constitution’s restrictions on government officials’ ability to confiscate private property in his 2005 decision in the case of “Kelo v. New London”– 30 years after President Ford appointed him.”
    -Thomas Sowell

  31. LOL, jeez Chief I was going with the sudle approach. But yes your on the money. And while we are at it, as much as I like Cruz’s message he’s unelectable. Why you ask, he sounds like an evangelist preacher when he starts preaching. No matter the message, that won’t get votes. Plus he’s never managed shit. He’d make a mist excellent VP

  32. People are funny.
    I shouldn’t point out Trump’s negatives?

    And if I point out what I consider to be a yuge negative it means that I going to run into the arms of Mike Huckabee?

    I still consider Trump the best of the lot, Cruz being right up there too (although his embracement of kicking up legal immigration 5-fold is pretty horrendous as well), it doesn’t mean I’m not going to vet the candidates fairly and call it as I see it.

    You can characterize Kelo as a pimple, and I can respectfully say you have zero understanding of what Kelo is and how it took a howitzer to the constitution.

    Kelo is NOT eminent domain.
    It’s legalized theft of private property to enrich a PRIVATE DEVELOPER.
    It’s bullshit that they pay top dollar. But that doesn’t matter.
    You’re saying the government has the right to give you an offer you can’t refuse???

    What fucking site have I stumbled upon??

    By the way, if Kelo’s house was “blighted,” Caitlyn Jenner is a woman.×212.jpg
    Shame on you for siding with government totalitarianism.

  33. Freedom Works –
    In 1792, James Madison, the Father of the Constitution and author of the Bill of Rights, explained that private property has a sacred place in American society. “Government is instituted to protect property of every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals, as that which the term particularly expresses,” he wrote. “This being the end of government, that alone is a just government which impartially secures to every man whatever is his own.”

    As Madison notes, one of the primary function of government is to protect an individual’s right to their property.

  34. So President Trump would Veto this bill if it made its way to his desk?

    Freedom Works –
    The Private Property Rights Protection Act passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 353 to 65. Unfortunately, the Senate, then controlled by Democrats, never took it up. The bill has not yet been reintroduced in the current Congress.

    With Republicans now in control of both chambers of Congress, the Private Property Rights Protection Act, or a similar bill, should be a priority for party leaders. As demonstrated by last year’s vote, ending abuse of eminent domain has broad bipartisan support, and polls have revealed strong public backing.

    Property rights are, as constitutional scholar Timothy Sandefur has said, the cornerstone of liberty. Property is one of our most basic economic freedoms and a valuable means to prosperity. Restoring the promise of individual liberties protected by the Fifth Amendment is the only way to undo the wrong done to Susette Kelo and her neighbors by the Supreme Court.

  35. Trumps got a more than excellent shot at getting this country working again. Nobody else gets this like he does. He gets the imagration problem. He wants to build the military. He’s got an economic plan that Laffer is calling better than Reagans. So what’s the deal? He’s our best shot

  36. Which little right are you willing to give up for the greater good of society? 1A? Just your freedom of assembly? 2A? Just a hand gun? 4A? just a bit of your home? Kelo was an all out attack on every right in our Constitution, not just a little attack on one little piece. It’s like saying a body can survive without lungs or kidneys…it can’t.

  37. no ‘effin’ EDIT button Fur!

    my point is the founding documents have been trampled on by the gubmint since the ‘sainted’ Lincoln….hell, with Jackson…let alone Wilson & FDR

  38. Anybody that attempts to alter any of the original 10 are toast to me! 4A is as important to me as 2A, 1A or 5A! Trump proved he is a clueless elitist and is not driven nor bound by silly 200 year old rules. Is 2A all that matters to you? Really?

  39. “So President Trump would Veto this bill if it made its way to his desk?”

    Wow! That sounds just like a liberal’s argument….change the subject & make you opponent defend a hypothetical

    …not trying to pick a fight…just saying…..use Kelo as the argument, it’s highly arguable all by itself….no need for this ….& besides, if you think the repugnicans are going to bring this up again….I want what you’re smoking 😉

  40. You can start over. I trashed the one that you weren’t happy with.

    BUT, remember, Kelo is not eminent domain. This isn’t Robert Moses clearing a path through the Bronx to put in a much needed Cross Bronx Expressway in order to expand the suburbs.

    This is taking a house to give to Pfizer Corporation because they convinced the government that they would deliver more tax revenue and they liked the river views.

    That guts the constitution. That’s facilitating another private citizen to TREAD ON ME.

    Want a Planet Hollywood on that corner?
    We’ll condemn the church that’s there by calling it a blight ….for the right price.

  41. I’m not changing the subject or using a “liberal’s tactic.”
    The right controlled congress has delivered a property rights act bill since Kelo and the dem controlled senate hasn’t brought it to the floor.
    Now we have congress and the senate. I’m asking, “would Trump veto the bill?”

    How is this liberal tactics or changing the subject? IT IS THE SUBJECT.

  42. For what it is worth, and to oversimplify, Kelo held that municipalities can decide what is public use and therefore subject to eminent domain. That being said, Kelo was an abysmally poor decision – the Supreme Court had an opportunity to clarify what is truly a public use using Constitutional principles, and punted.

    Post-Kelo, a few non-Federal governments have passed legislation restricting use of eminent domain for private developers. Under Kelo, this is permitted because the Supreme Court left the determination of “public use” up to the the local governments.

    As a side note, state and local redevelopment agencies are generally considered the one of the most corrupt waste of resources a government can participate in. Few people are aware of how they operate, and these agencies are frequently controlled by the developers and “consultants,” who make major bank in these schemes. Municipalities, who are run by people who can’t hold down a real job, are conned into bearing the brunt of the upfront costs of a redevelopment in expectation of future increased tax revenues which (surprise!) almost never cover the costs paid initially by the municipalities. If Wimpy could cover his hamburger fix through negotiations with municipalities, he could happily die of clogged arteries before ever having to pay for his burgers on Wednesday. Even the City of New London got screwed – the property it condemned through eminent domain and dumped tens of millions of dollars into is, ten years later, a vacant lot which has generated approximately zero tax dollars to the city.

    Trump is a businessman at heart, so use of eminent domain in order to acquire property while letting a city or state bear the initial costs (and probably obtaining some upfront tax breaks as well) would appeal to him – it lessens the risk of a development and makes life easier in acquiring larger tracts of land in urban areas. But Trump wants to be President, and we already have a President whose overriding principle is “what’s in it for me” – Trump needs to shift his focus to principles that are constitutional, and in the best interests of the people both now and in the future. The activity sanctioned by Kelo – using eminent domain for private use – is an unacceptable violation of private property rights.

  43. Actually, if you go back a month or so I commented at length on Trump’s stance on this issue. His position has not been modified in order to gain votes. That dynamic is a major reason why I am so enthusiastic in my support of him. I am so sick of lying, four-flushing stab you in the back GOPe politicians that I could spit and this guy is telling you what he really thinks on issue after issue

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