Brass Holes – IOTW Report

Brass Holes

Starting in 2000, every gun sold in the state of Maryland had to be fired once and the spent casing turned over to the police. The idea was to build a “ballistic fingerprints” database to solve future crimes.



After 15 years the state has not managed to solve a single case based on the project. Maryland has decided to end the effort last week.


14 Comments on Brass Holes

  1. 300,000 spent casings?
    That means 300,000 firearms in MD that will not be easy to confiscate.
    To add insult to injury they will end up using even more of my hard earned tax dollars to pay some crony scum some ridiculous amount to scrap them rather than selling them on the market.

  2. Former Gov. Glendening should be sentenced to sorting all that brass by caliber for sale to reloaders in order to recoup some of that $5M that .gov of Maryland wasted.

    (Of course, if they’d listened to gun owners before passing such ridiculous legislation… no, they’d have passed it anyway.)

  3. That these maroons know nothing about firearms is a monumental understatement.
    The case inserts into a clean machined space and is only marked by fouling, the ejector, and impact with the ejector hole.
    There are not enough data points from a case to be certain that it has been fired from the same firearm.
    If the bullet is compared to a bullet fired from the same firearm without many bullets passing through, or cleaning, the ballistics can yield a reasonable probability of the projectile coming from the same firearm.

    Politician needs to find income for relative.
    Write an asinine law.

  4. I was talking with a fairly knowledgeable marine vet colleague of mine and we figured that to properly “get away” with a crime (ballistically anyway) you would buy a aftermarket barrel for your gun, with cash, and then commit the gun crime with the aftermarket barrel, destroy said barrel, put back in the original barrel, and there you go.

    But I also agree how brass markings could hardly be conclusively unique from gun to gun especially when there are aftermarket parts for that portion of the gun too.

  5. So Maryland found out that criminals don’t buy guns legally and all it cost five million tax dollars and the civil rights violation of 60,000 of its citizens. Well at least the crime rate plummeted, right?

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