LA Cop Shooting in Full – IOTW Report

LA Cop Shooting in Full

Armchair analysis expected –

19 Comments on LA Cop Shooting in Full

  1. Looks to me that DumbCop shot FatCop , then FatCop thinking the criminal put his life in danger took justifiable action.

    DumbCop should be charged with involuntary manslaughter for causing his partner to be to put in a situation where he had to take action against the criminal.

    Too much armchair or analysis for you?

  2. Life in LA and every other metro-area infested with vermin (including some overweight poorly trained police). LA will just write the family a big settlement check thanks to the taxpayers.

  3. I understand that Obama is going to disarm the most violent in our country. The ghettos will be disarmed first, now I understand the meaning of the pen is mightier than the sword.
    This is going to get interesting when the Zulus will have nothing but spears.

  4. LArazaPD, North Mexico. Professionals at corruption.

    Hard to tell what happened in the video, except that they did nothing to save the victim’s life after they tried, convicted, and sentenced him to death.

    Those cops should have to go back to the academy and learn how to handcuff a suspect without killing him in the process.

    I’d like to know what the guy did to deserve that. If he’s a child molester or a jihadi, I don’t have a problem with what they did to him.

    Hope some other vato video recorded it from a different angle.

  5. Dumb cop shot fat cop because dumbass suspect kept struggling. Fat cop shot suspect because he mistakenly thought suspect shot him first with dumb cop’s gun.

    If suspect was an illegal alien, then I don’t give two shits either way because he shouldn’t have been here in the first place.

  6. Yes, but ballistic analysis will match the bullet to the cop’s gun or the perp’s gun. Let’s not be like the “dindunuffins” and start demanding justice while tieing the noose.

  7. Yea Bro but these so called cops have their heads up their Tactical asses. Why get into a position where your wrestling with a perp on the ground. Taze the fucker. Nobody gets shot and nobody gets killed.

  8. Glad you mentioned the Taser Bad Brad as I was left thinking the same thing. The deputies were already agitated because Noel ran from them and they simply didn’t like the added exercise to catch up. Something to do with a bike, motorcycle or something, article left out specifics.

    Sure wasn’t worth dying for that’s for sure!

  9. I know a couple all POST certified trainers. ( The guys that train the cops) And I know for a fact they would say if you’ve let it get to this point, you don’t understand how to do your job. I wish Big Gun would weigh in on this.

  10. How come nobody ever talks about rubber bullets. Seems they would be effective and reduce the chances of people dying. That said, what happened to “hands up don’t shoot”. I couldn’t imagine a scenario where I would challenge an officer if he asked me to stop or get down on the ground. If these suspects are that dumb, then let Darwin’s theory take over.

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