Santorum Out – IOTW Report

Santorum Out

After getting about 1% in Iowa, Rick Santorum is calling it quits.

24 Comments on Santorum Out

  1. Is there some sort of filing deadline where candidates get some financial benefit if they wait until after the first primary to quit? Seriously, he wasn’t doing any better before this. it was just as inevitable last week as it is this morning. Why did he wait this long?

    Bigger question. Why is Bush still in? Could it be that his advisers are advising him to stay in for as long as he has money to pay his advisers?

  2. The look on his face says it all! “What happened? I once won the Iowa caucus and thus had to have been within a whisker of winning the Presidency”?

  3. A couple of great tweets I found concerning this news:

    “Santorum’s family just found he’s dropping out of the race. They also just found out he was in the race”

    “It’s been a real treat watching the Santorum kids grow up through his failed presidential runs.”

  4. A little O/T, but it’s so lame when a newscaster/talking head introduces someone like Santorum as a “former presidential candidate.” Well, duh. Any one of us could throw our hat in the ring. How about “perennial presidential candidate Pat Paulsen”?

  5. I actually like Santorum a lot. However, the Democrats are so scary this year that I just couldn’t support anyone who couldn’t win in November. Thus, Cruz be da man.

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