Does It Matter To You That Trump’s Been On the Howard Stern Show and Said Some Uncouth Things? – IOTW Report

Does It Matter To You That Trump’s Been On the Howard Stern Show and Said Some Uncouth Things?

Scuzzfeed has put together clips of the “worst” of Donald Trump’s appearances.

In the clips Scuzz has compiled Trump talks about –

-not liking anal sex with women.

-Melania never farting (his word) in Donald’s presence, and keeping her personal bathroom habits to herself.

-the horrors of dating in a world full of STDs, saying, “it’s my personal Vietnam.” and agreeing with Howard that every vagina is a potential land mine.

-and he says something about Ed Koch that is bleeped out.

This is not a deal breaker.

Maybe it would be if he said, hmmmm, I don’t know, that every woman fantasizes about being raped?

Maybe that would be too over-the-top.

Scuzz clips here.




32 Comments on Does It Matter To You That Trump’s Been On the Howard Stern Show and Said Some Uncouth Things?

  1. Nope doesn’t matter based on what is released.

    Taking loans from Soros matter more.

    Making deals with the socialist Democrat trifecta matters more.

    Falsely accusing others matters more.

    Claiming someone else with paid off loans is owned by banks, but him with billions in loans to the banks is supposedly not owned matters more.

    Claiming to be self funded while creating loans owed by your campaign to you that you intend to pay off with campaign contributions later and thus risking none of your money matters more.

    There are many things that matter more than illicit comments made on Howard Stern, at least the comments we have heard so far.

  2. Sidney Leathers (or whatever her name was, Weiner’s obsession) went on there and Stern got her to show him her boobs.

    She said she was contemplating a boob job and Stern got her to show them to him. He admonished her that in no way did she need a boob job.

    If you go on Stern he will get you to do whatever he wants. He is a fantastic interviewer IMO, actually.

  3. Bottom line: I think Cruz (or any Rep other than Trump) has an extremely (none) small chance of winning. If Trump stops importing muslimes, secures the border, stops amnesty and protects the 2nd amendment, at this point I don’t much care what else he does.

    If we can avoid the invasion iceberg we can worry about the deck chairs later.

  4. Okay, I’m in the older generation and I’ve probably seen and heard it all. It would have bothered me more IF:

    “not liking anal sex with women”

    he would have said “liking anal sex with men.” As far as I can tell, Trump isn’t homo like our Commander in Chief.

  5. There are far worse things coming out of the GOPe’s mouths these days. Lies. He’s not a girly man who lifts his skirts and crosses “Fake Morality Street” to avoid their imaginary lessers.

  6. Not only do I not care that he says “uncouth” things, I think it’s refreshing. I’m tired of gutless politicians mincing words, ever afraid they will offend someone. Trump seems to offend the perpetually offended the most, and I applaud him for doing so.

  7. Nope.

    I care about what my husband thinks, says and does.

    So some would say that Palin served to project family values: Single daughter knocked up, twice; young son divorced already before age 30 but Trump is crass and, at least, on the surface his adult children can check off traditionalist boxes (marriage, then +2.5 children and remain married—so far).

    Whose grown kids are a better projection of family values?

  8. Does it bother me as much as Hillary endangering our nation’s security by being an incompetent, overentitled bitch who thinks she’s above the law?

    Not by a long shot.

    Everybody who’s anybody in New York has been interviewed by Howard Stern. He has a weird talent for drawing bizarre comments from all his guests.

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