Democrat Running For Office Declares He Is Asexual… Why? – IOTW Report

Democrat Running For Office Declares He Is Asexual… Why?

Why would this be important?


At first, Joe Parrish “I was sort of just working under the assumption I was straight, but just kind of an unusual straight guy. I was different, but I didn’t know what exactly it was that was different.”

The Star-

Joe Parrish is running for a seat in North Carolina’s House of Representatives, basing his platform on education.

But it seems he’s already provided one for many voters.

Parrish has openly declared he is asexual, making him the first U.S. politician to do so.

The 24-year-old rookie candidate was acclaimed as the Democratic flag bearer, and is running against Republican incumbentLarry Yarborough in Granville County and Person County, in the northeast portion of the state. The two will go head to head on Nov. 8.

Parrish says the current Republican-dominated state government has “done a lot of damage” to education from the primary grades even up to university, and he has pledged to help restore funding to classrooms including through increased taxes. But it’s his decision to declare his asexuality that has garnered international attention.

He says the declaration was to show others like him that he is out there.

“I never really expected it (the declaration) to gather quite as much media attention as it has,” Parrish says in an interview from his home in Timberlake, N.C. “I guess I just wasn’t shy about the fact … It’s not something worth keeping secret.”

In simple terms an asexual is considered to be someone who has no sexual attraction to either sex.

Parrish, a political science graduate from the University of North Carolina, gradually started to suspect he’s “different.”

“A lot of that owes to the fact I wasn’t aware of the concept of asexuality. I mostly thought of things in terms of straight, gay, bisexual. I was sort of just working under the assumption I was straight, but just kind of an unusual straight guy. I was different, but I didn’t know what exactly it was that was different.”

He says he reached the “tipping point” in his understanding of what asexuality means beginning in his junior year of college, at age 21. Before reaching his conclusion he talked to friends in the LGBT community and did a lot of research.

He likens sexual desire to an inherent craving to eat food when one is hungry, but says he doesn’t have that hunger for sex. He says he hasn’t dated anybody, nor has he met anyone who has shown an interest in dating him.


20 Comments on Democrat Running For Office Declares He Is Asexual… Why?

  1. I know a young man who told me several years before he became a priest that he really didn’t have any desire for sex, and never really thought about marriage. He wasn’t gay, was in the armed service and when he got out went to seminary. God bless him and praise God He’s a great priest. I don’t think it’s extremely unusual to be asexual.

  2. Asexual is kind of a stretch. No kind of genital stimulation of any kind? No visual lusting?

    I am reminded of the old joke that there are two kinds of people in the world: those who masturbate and those who won’t admit to it.

  3. And what does his sexual preference have to do with serving the public? I’d rather he be a male heterosexual than one who has no desire to be with a woman and has to declare his preference. I wish these people would just go crawl under a rock.

  4. So he can reproduce using his own body with no help from anyone? How is it done exactly?
    (Didn’t any of these progressive idiots ever take high school biology?

  5. Wasn’t it nice in the good ole days (like a few years ago) when every liberal didn’t feel the need to process their sexual orientation or now lack thereof and demand acceptance?! Do we need to add yet another letter the LBGT whatever train?!

  6. He needed to declare himself a victim/member of a protected class, otherwise voting Dems might mistake him for just another cisgendered white male. And we can’t have that! It was important, however, that he not pick a protected class that could permanently kill his chances of getting laid/getting out of mom’s basement.

    But here’s the truth: he’s never had a girlfriend, never dated anyone, lives with mommy, and wants a government job so that he can live on your tax dollars. I’ll tell you what class this guy is a member of: the loser class.

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