Deplorable update: Hillary Clinton’s non-apology / Mike Pence calls her out – IOTW Report

Deplorable update: Hillary Clinton’s non-apology / Mike Pence calls her out

Hillary Clinton Recalibrates Percentage of Trump Supporters in ‘Basket of Deplorables’.

Breitbart: In an awkward walk back of her Friday night comments that “you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables,’” Hillary Clinton said in a statement, “I regret saying ‘half’ — that was wrong.”

Clinton’s attempt to walk back her original comment raises the obvious question: What percentage of Trump supporters does she now think are a “basket of deplorables”? MORE

hillary clinton looking creepy


Mike Pence Responds to Clinton’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Charge: ‘Hillary, They Are Not a Basket of Anything — They are Americans!’

“Hillary, they are not a basket of anything — they are Americans and they deserve your respect,” he stressed. “No one with a record of failure at home and abroad, no one with her avalanche of dishonesty and corruption and no one with that low of an opinion of the American people should ever be elected president of the United States of America.”


28 Comments on Deplorable update: Hillary Clinton’s non-apology / Mike Pence calls her out

  1. “Proud Member ~ Basket of Deplorables”
    “Being in the Basket of Deplorables – Better than being left in Benghazi”
    “Basket of Deporables – Pissing off the New World Order since 2016”

    let’s get a design & a trademark going before Limbaugh steals the idea & makes a fortune

  2. Surprised the bint didn’t pull out her earpiece and throw it at Mills and nuba Huma. Then blame Trump for corrupting her signal ways. Then deny saying it in the first place, then blame the basketful of deplorables. ANYONE BUT HERSELF. Get a cattle branding “L” and mark her forehead after jerking off that horrendous wig.

  3. Amazing the amount of contempt by this carpet munching bitch. These are her true colors. If the party my ass unity crowd can’t see through this, then they are lost. In the meantime, the Deplorables are gaining numbers. This was a big boo boo.

  4. I, too, stand with The Deplorables. But, note: Hillary did not apologize for the remark, only the percentage. “Not half,” she said. I would like to see her pushed to cite the total percent number of Trump supporters she considers so deplorable, depraved.

    Hillary is evil. ….Lady in Red

  5. This ranks up there with Howard Dean’s scream, Romney’s 47% comment (which IS true) and Read My Lips. The above 3 derailed these candidates. Hillary just derailed herself with her latest blood clot glitch….and she wants the nuclear football???? HECK no.

  6. the funniest thing about this stance of calling 1/2 the electorate ‘Deplorable’ is that it’s deliberate. she was speaking off a teleprompter … she & her minions think this is a good strategy … & I’m sure that her ‘apology’ response was already thought up before she even spoke about the ‘basket of deplorables’
    … yes, this is how out-of-touch she & her myrmidons are
    (I can’t believe I ended a sentence in a verb; apologies … get it?)

  7. Truly, she actually said what she thinks of “us”..
    Now, she is trying to “put the shit back in the horse.”
    This couldn’t have happened at a better time..,, she is melting down, and long overdue.., now.., if she will just collapse on stage and start foaming at the strobe lights.., that would be nice, for this “deplorable”

  8. I checked Scott Adams, and he says this is no big deal, maybe worth a percentage point in the polls. That’s cool. But I’ll take a point wherever I find it. If she hands Trump a point a week like this for six weeks, and he manufactures a point a week himself, landslide, baby.

  9. Will Smart, about Romney’s 47% comment… I get your meaning, and don’t disagree with you.
    Romney’s comment, of course, was reported unfairly, as he was just stating the obvious, as it pertained to himself as a candidate. What is especially exciting now it that we have a candidate who is challenging every assumption, and trying to earn every vote, even from that same 47%. Mitt found an excuse, but Trump is finding a way.

  10. She’s just fuckin’ stupid. She’s always been fuckin’ stupid. She will continue to be fuckin’ stupid….and if a majority of fuckin’ stupid people elect her….then they are just fuckin’ stupid….

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