Citizens United… in Crime – IOTW Report

Citizens United… in Crime

Are Hillary supporters stupid or do they simply think the law doesn’t apply to them?

A Quaint Life confronted a woman in front of the Clark County Library in Las Vegas who was “getting out the vote,” and she was wearing a Hillary hat, a clear violation of the law.

Is this woman part of the operation that was uncovered by James O’Keefe in his sting video?

When A Quaint Life told the lady it was illegal to wear a Hillary hat while registering voters, she took off the hat and put it on the little girl. That left her wearing the anti-Trump shirt.unnamed-12

Does anyone know this woman?



10 Comments on Citizens United… in Crime

  1. I live in Las Vegas too, and these law breaking pieces of shit are in my grocery store parking lot every day. I call them out on their illegal outfits. The only thing that seems to work is when I tell the store manager about it, and they call the police. But this only works until they leave,then the killary supporters start again

  2. Ya know, come to think of it, The Roman Empire didn’t become a Great Empire by sitting in meetings all day. They became a Great Empire by killing all those who opposed them! And for Killary, business is good!

  3. @Inigo Montoya:

    Ya know, come to think of it, The Roman Empire didn’t become a Great Empire by sitting in meetings all day. They became a Great Empire by killing all those who opposed them!

    They didn’t kill all who opposed them, they did something better. They killed just enough of those who opposed them to make the rest think that opposing the Romans wasn’t such a good idea, and paying Roman taxes was not all that bad compared to being dead.

  4. in the pics, it appears that visitors to the Library have access only by running the gauntlet past this leftist SeaHag. I’ll bet if they refuse to take a handout flyer they get harangued and hectored by her shrill, grating voice.

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