Chris Wallace Pushing False Narrative That Trump Hasn’t Paid Taxes in 18 Years – IOTW Report

Chris Wallace Pushing False Narrative That Trump Hasn’t Paid Taxes in 18 Years

What a dope.

Chris Christie sets him straight.

ht/ c. steven tucker

22 Comments on Chris Wallace Pushing False Narrative That Trump Hasn’t Paid Taxes in 18 Years

  1. Wallace spewed that Trump “didn’t chip in like the rest of us” Fuck you asshole. He’s paid a ton of other taxes, millions.

    This guy is the moderator in the 3rd debate.

  2. Such ignorance is eye-watering. Either that or he’s a dishonest propagandizing Goebbels wanna-be.

    The tax code is hideously complicated because the govt wants people to use their money in particular ways, and to provide an incentive the tax code has provisions to lower your taxes if you play ball. If you have a good accountants and tax lawyers, it is not difficult to move your money around in ways that reduce your taxes to zero. Remember: this is doing things that the govt generally wants you to do, or doing things the govt was too stupid to realize they were enabling when they wrote the latest amendments to the tax code.

    But everybody here reading this already knows that. Wallace doesn’t, or tries to pretend he doesn’t. Either way he’s a turd.

  3. Yes I watched Wallace today. he’s a piece of shit. When he got finished with Christie, he brought up the same subject with Kelly Coyotte. Unbelievable. He must be Bi Polar, like his old man.

  4. A lot of taxpayers now mutter to themselves, here goes more of MY income down the drain to give the Moochie Gorilla and Bonker Barry vacation after vacation after vacation no one else can take, paying their undeserved freight costs. Wallace has to be the poster child for a damaged at birth, never fully recovered POS. If Trump’s campaign manager and Rinse my Penis agreed to this POS Wallace as the third debate moderator, bad bad mistake.

  5. from what i have read, Donald Trump AVOIDED taxes……AVOIDING TAXES IS PERFECTLY LEGAL….

    from what i have read, no one is accusing Donald Trump of EVADING taxes, would be illegal….

    when you file a schedule A, and claim mortgage interest, medical expenses, charitable donations, and all the other allowable deductions, you are AVOIDING taxes….anyone whose schedule A deductions exceed the standard deduction, gladly takes advantage of these deductions to AVOID overpaying their tax…..

    it’s not at all the same as donating all your income to your personal charitable foundation, so you don’t owe a dime in taxes….and then, drawing a salary from your “charity” that just about equals the amount you “donated”….that’s tax EVASION, and tax EVASION IS ILLEGAL….

    so basically, what the NYT bombshell has exposed, is that Trump has good tax lawyers…….and all three clintons are guilty of tax EVASION…….

    of course, they forgot to mention that thing about the clintons……..for some reason……

  6. Chris Wallace the mr peanut lookalike is just another fruad and a two bit fruad at that. I guess its just too much to ask to have a even handed moderator for these debates.

  7. organgrinder….what’s a fruad?….is it something like a fnord?…private joke…. 🙂

    but i DO understand your point – what is the point of having these leftist moderators??????….well, it’s obviously to discredit the republican candidate, but why do they think we will fall for this year after year after year?….well, because we do, i guess……

    and i personally would like to see chrissie’s tax returns…….

    i’m particularly interested in any deductions he may have taken in order to “avoid” paying taxes he doesn’t legally owe????

    or maybe, he may have one or two things that helped him EVADE taxes…..which would be illegal……

    enquiring minds and all that…….yes, WE DO want to know….before you go all accusatory in your “reportage,” she said, with a mild french accent…….

    perhaps he who didn’t take advantage of every deduction, loophole, tax credit, or whatever other way to reduce their tax liability, should throw the first stone……

    what, nobody at bat?……so then, all yall are paying the least amount of taxes you can, legally?….

    WHOLE COUNTRY FULL OF TAX AVOIDERS…….i’m ashamed of all yall…..didn’t you hear algore tell you paying taxes was the essence of patriotism….

    wait….can we see HIS tax returns??????

    NO????…….oh well….carry on, then….. 🙂

  8. oh….maybe that wasn’t algore….maybe that was john kerry…..

    which only makes thet joke more delicious…….

    sure, i live in massachusetts, but i’m registering my yacht in this other state, because i won’t have to pay taxes on it there….

    it may be good to be king, but being king comes with responsibilities…….

    it’s WAY WAY BETTER to be a FRIEND of the king……..all the bennies, none of the downsides…….

  9. How did goodie two shoes come by this information? Did he personally review Mr. Trumps tax returns?
    He may have seen them without his glasses, or were they HIS tax returns?

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