Impeach President Bannon Posters For Presidents Day – IOTW Report

Impeach President Bannon Posters For Presidents Day

A self described “small group who work in “media,”” have a gofundme account to generate posters calling for President Steve Bannon to be removed from office.  Their goal was to raise $39,400 so they could put their posters up in “135 locations across New York City, Washington D.C., Baltimore, San Francisco, and parts of Los Angeles” by President’s Day.  The eyesores have been seen around various lib hot spots already.

see their GoFundMe site Here

How should I view the fact that they didn’t even make it half way to their goal?  That the left is…

a.) …not that stupid to believe you can impeach someone appointed as a personal advisor.

b.)…too lazy to care.

c.)…don’t know who Steve Bannon is and suspect this is some kind Republican trick to deflect their hatred away from Trump.

d.)…would rather put their money into a bong hits for Bernie campaign.

19 Comments on Impeach President Bannon Posters For Presidents Day

  1. I swear someday I’m gonna put up a GoFundMe page featuring a skinny kid, a forlorn puppy and a rainbow flag. I think that’s all it takes to virtue signal these dopes into coughing up the do-re-me.

  2. Oh that’s lovely. Spending money for bullshit on paper that means absolutely nothing! Starting a go fund me for stupid shit like this. Where do you suppose most of the money is actually going??? Like Jill Stein, in the organizer’s pockets, that’s where.

    In the meantime, there are people who are in desperate need for cash for medical reasons and use go fund me to pay those bills or buy meds and unfortunately, now I’m one of them, too.

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