Ryan Zinke Confirmed To Head Trump’s Interior Department – IOTW Report

Ryan Zinke Confirmed To Head Trump’s Interior Department

Senate confirms Ryan Zinke as interior secretary.


Republicans called the former Montana congressman and Navy SEAL a strong choice for Interior, as an avid hunter with Western roots who understands how federal regulations on the cultivation of coal, natural gas and minerals on public lands can hurt corporate revenue and reduce jobs.

Democrats were wary of Zinke despite his declaration that he believes humans contribute to climate change. “Man has had an influence,” he said under questioning by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Zinke’s assertion that the level of human contribution is unknown…


6 Comments on Ryan Zinke Confirmed To Head Trump’s Interior Department

  1. this is great news. I hope Secretary Zinke reins in the corrupt, fascist rogue bureaucrats at BLM Bureau of Land misManagement

  2. I’m sure he’s a good man but I still am disappointed that Trump can’t or perhaps won’t find a place for Sarah Palin. She’s got experience and the drive to really push forward the MAGA program and it strikes me that Energy or Interior would have been naturals. On the other hand maybe she’s let it be known that she’s out and wants to stay that way because you know that if she stepped back in the media would put a target on her back. Just seems a waste.

  3. Beside the obvious at Sec Zinke’s swearing in service the other thing that stood out to me was how great it was not to see Joey Biden lurking in the background groping any and all females in sight. Of course if Joey was stupid enough to try I am sure that Sec Zinke would of had old Joey’s teeth on the floor within a nanosecond. Thanks to Trump, Pence and Zinke for restoring proper decorum to these proceedings. On another level can you imagine Sec Zinke vs pajama boy? Wow, how much better can it get!

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