“What Do You Want With Your Nothingburger?” – IOTW Report

“What Do You Want With Your Nothingburger?”


A number of waterholes around D.C. were packed Thursday as young future bureaucrats and politicos gathered to watch the Comey hearing and hopefully watch a presidency get dismantled. They were all sorely disappointed at the offering served up before their waiting eyes.


24 Comments on “What Do You Want With Your Nothingburger?”

  1. I wonder if any of those kids began to realize just how thoroughly they’ve been played. At some point, it would seem, one would have to start questioning WHY the end result isn’t matching the story.

  2. 🎹🎼 Ain’t that a shame.

    Comey simply revealed himself to these politico dweebs that he’s a deep stater. More interested in advancing his political power than doing good for the country. Of course they all aspire to be deep staters themselves

  3. I agree with ya PHenry but the testimony yesterday was probably only the tip of the iceberg. look for more kabuki theater as lynch, Clinton, jarrett, holder and perhaps others are investigated. there’ll be a lot of tough talk, smoke and mirrows, and yes, a double dose of political grandstanding, but in the end everyone walks scott free. sucks, but that’s the reality of the Washington swamp.
    if any of us tried shit like comey and clowns we would be drawn and quartered in front of the county courthouse at high noon on Saturday.

  4. @moocho

    I agree. These will all be soviet show trials with no results. I also want Lerner and Koskinen from IRS.
    It might be good enough just to expose them, but getting scalps would be preferable.

    At this point I just want to clear the deck so the Trump agenda moves forward. All of these ticks need a good tweezing but let’s move forward on Obamacare, tax reform, rebuilding the military and protecting the border.

  5. @thirdtwin. You’re really old if you remember that song. Of course I remember that miserably depressing song cuz I’m old too.
    There were a lot of great songs during 60s. That wasn’t one of them.

  6. Yeah, it’s pretty bad, PHenry. I only vaguely remember it, thank God. Probably should have left out the link.

    Don’t click the link, Kids.

    Do you remember that painting, “

  7. Ah yes, “Is That All There Is”. From Peggy Lee’s feel good album of 1969,, “Music To Slit Your Wrists By”
    Only to be rivaled by any of Glenn Campbell’s “By The Time I Get To Phoenix” permutations (Including the abysmal theme song from “True Grit”.

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