What Are You Looking At? – IOTW Report

What Are You Looking At?


…in this photo taken in 2010 on assignment for a book about traditions in Belgium. “Saint Anthony is the patron saint of the pig farmers,” he says, explaining that before the pig meat is sold at auction, it is displayed at a mass. “When people laugh at first sight, but then realise what they see is actually not funny, it can make them feel confused. Confusion is good. Rather than giving answers I’d like to raise questions.”

ht/ oolook, who says:

This picture is part of an article about this year’s Magnum Awards. In the article they also have pictures by Nick Hannes, who reveals how Dubai’s super-rich live.

Here we see the  “Chillout Ice Lounge” in Dubai, where Super-rich middle easterners sit around in a freezer and drink hot cocoa while the poor swelter in 100 degree weather.

It’s a Mad World.

14 Comments on What Are You Looking At?

  1. if we are to win, it needs to get ugly soonest and it will have to be bloody, no mercy

    islam has ingeniously set itself for victory and we are stoned, drunk, politically-correct, and asleep at the wheel

    sharia is here, and they are multiplying worse than rabbits on viagra

    the longer we slumber, the uglier it will be

  2. Look at Dubai in Google maps aerial view and scan it over. You will notice very organized streets and crazy man made islands on the coast, but just a few miles inland there is nothing but brown wasteland for hundreds of miles. If it wasn’t for the oil under that sand they would still be humping camels.

  3. “Tony, Tony, lokk around, somethings lost and can”t be found”
    Prayer to St. Anthony when looking for something you lost. It works for everything but virginity.

  4. show me another animal that can deliver bacon …. waiting… waiting …
    gotta be something right about a religion that venerates bacon harvest

    … & gotta be something wrong about a religion that shuns it … know what I mean Vern?

  5. Dude, I’ve seen precooked chicken bacon in the commissary’ here. I’ve a box sitting on my kitchen counter. I’ve yet to open it because I don’t want to know yet….what if? That’s a big question.

    2 adults and one kid. 1lB bacon? Lasts less than 5 minutes here.

  6. reboot; chicken bacon isn’t half bad. Not as good as pork but not as fat either. I eat the uncured for health reasons. You younguns will find out why someday. Makes good blt’s.

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