Las Vegas Sheriff Says the Shooter “Must Have Had Help” – IOTW Report

Las Vegas Sheriff Says the Shooter “Must Have Had Help”

Daily Caller-

Lombardo said, “Look at this. You look at the weapon obtaining the different amounts of tannerite available, do you think this was all accomplished on his own, face value?”

“You got to make the assumption he had to have help at some point, and we want to insure that’s the answer. Maybe he’s a super guy, super hero–not a hero, super–I won’t use the word. Maybe he’s super — that was working out this out on his own, but it will be hard for me to believe that.”

He also said, “Here’s the reason why, put one and one–two and two together, another residence in Reno with firearms, okay, electronics and everything else associated with larger amounts of ammo, a place in Mesquite, we know he had a girlfriend. Do you think this is all self-facing individual without talking to somebody, it was sequestered amongst himself. Come on focus folks these type of investigations have been occurring in the last few years and we have to investigate that.”


It seems as if he is saying that the girlfriend had to know something considering the amount of weaponry and electronics and tannerite he had laying around his houses.

Or that SOMEONE had to know about this guy’s intentions considering the planning that went into it, and the amount of stuff he transported.

32 Comments on Las Vegas Sheriff Says the Shooter “Must Have Had Help”

  1. Something else I forgot in the other post he also said once they got through the door another door inside was locked and they had to breach it. Now why was that door obviously locked from the other side?

  2. Although I believe there’s a lot of unanswered questions, I’m not on the conspiracy train I’m reading on social media.

    The most surprising thing the sheriff said was Paddock intended to survive/escape. What???

    LE had to suspect Paddock may have rigged the doors with explosives. Wonder why they didn’t drop a drone to peer inside the broken windows at least to check his status?

  3. Calling him a shooter puts the focus on his guns.
    Calling him a mass murderer puts the focus on the evil man.

    The anti-gun zealots want us to call him the gunman or the shooter.
    We shouldn’t play their game. Stephen Paddock was an evil mass murderer.

  4. That no information is coming forth about this evil doer tells me volumes. He’s a leftist monster.

    Leftists are monsters.

    Andrew Breitbart told us this before his questionable death in 2012.

    Scalise might agree, off the record.

  5. BTW is it just me, or did anything find it skeezy that Heller stayed thru presser so he could campaign (after Trump left) for increased funding for LE Terrorism Task Forces especially after this tragic event?

    I guess Heller is the only senator unaware of Trump/DOJ order to withhold these funds from Sanctuary cities only for noncompliance.

  6. It seems like someone is putting too much emphasis on the 4th floor window and the lack of magic bullets. Do people really accept that Paddock acted alone, without support, because the FBI cleared him of ISIS involvement within 12 hours of the first shot being fired. I can understand picking apart one aspect of a story, but to shoot holes in all other potential sides of the story due to one piece maybe being wrong seems a little off. I have a couple friends outside of iOTW that live in Vegas and they go to a lot of shows as well as have friends that go to a lot of shows. It is not accepted by a lot of them that there was one shooter only.

  7. I don’t really believe there was someone shooting out the 4th floor window, there’s a video I saw somewhere that showed the same flashes before the shooting started.

    Now was there someone shooting from the adjacent room? After hearing that another door was locked, that is plausible imho. Maybe that person left before the security guard showed up and was headed to set off the tannerite in the car.

    It’s also being reported that aviation fuel tanks were shot.

    First we heard from girlfriend’s sisters that he told her he found “cheap” tickets to Philippines. Now her attorney releases a statement, that she thought with him sending her to her homeland and wiring her $100,000 to buy a house made her think he was breaking up with her.
    Who honestly is buying that crap? BTW isn’t Matt Lombard one of those who worked on Terry Nichols’ defense team?

    The ISIS claim is starting to sound like there might be some truth to it.

  8. This was Stephen Paddocks’ 2nd to last item on his bucket list.
    Last item was self-dispatch.
    this guy is laughing his way to hell.
    he’s gonna feel right at home now.
    this is the only comment about this incident i will make.
    i’ve been busy learning linux and other *nix’s.
    i ain’t got no more time for losers.

  9. Now this is my last comment,
    ISIS would claim responsibility for a dumpster fire if it put so fear into the sheeple here state side.
    ISIS is neigh, ISIS is over, ISIS is dead
    We’re currently making IS IS, WAS WAS.
    ISIS sucks goat 84775!

  10. the sadness we all feel for victims is real. The absolute sadness that nobody trusts what we are being told by officials is extremely damaging to the national psyche.
    Hopefully the truth will come out very soon or irreversible damage will occur.

    I’m still giving them some time, but my patience is limited.

  11. Inigo Montoya

    Way back in 98, that’s 1998, we invested into a very expensive CAD system that had traditionally run on UNIX until the release of Window 98. The manufacturer advertised it would run on window 98, we purchased a seat, and a computer with window 98 on it. Loaded it up and it totally bombed. Purchased a UNIX box the next day as I had presentation to put on in front of a very important customer the next day. Purchased a copy of UNIX for dummies and played with it all night in a hotel room in Tucson AZ. Although sleep deprived, I killed them the next day. Good times.

  12. Inigo Montoya as long as there are Muslims there will be ISIS or whatever name they have this year.

    If you listen to all of these Press Conferences they get closer and closer to admitting he was radicalized. Which I don’t know why they don’t just say a Muslim convert, once you buy into that shit you’re a radical because your new religion requires it.

  13. I enjoy conspiracy theories, but I take them with many grains of salt. I often wondered why people are so quick to jump on conspiracies, and in Posner’s book on JFK, a psychologist opined that in certain crimes, there has to be a balance. In Dallas in 1963, the fact that an unknown loser could assassinate a President of the United States did not result in balance, and thus the JFK conspiracy industry was born.

    Paddock murdered 59 people from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel. We don’t have an apparent motive, and there is no evidence to refute that Paddock had help. Perhaps the investigation will reveal otherwise, but in the meantime there is no balance, so conspiracies try to create this balance by theorizing grand motives or the assistance of others.

    If Paddock had spent the next six years of his life murdering ten innocent people a year, we would have a serial killer and not be surprised that he acted alone or that no one else knew of his activities. But he didn’t – he killed 59 people gathered in a public place in a high profile tourist city in the space of 10 to 15 minutes before being discovered and taking his own life. This is a horrible event, but at least right now the evidence is that Paddock acted alone for reasons which may never be known.

  14. I”m not really into this very much but I haven’t heard what type of car he used to get all that to Vegas. Sounds like it was quite the car load. It certainly isn’t something I would leave unattended, so was it all carried in at once?

  15. Joe

    I do. But because it would absolutely kill me to have one of our weapons used for an evil intent. We are small. I’ve refused selling guns to people on a couple occasions. Guns are not like baking cakes the Federal Government considers FFL’s their first line of defense. If I don’t like muzzies I can refuse them a gun.

  16. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk: I think the All-Time Boss Crazy Conspiracy Theory I ever read was in the 1970’s in one of those trashy tabloid newspapers similar to the National Enquirer. (Which, by the way, has managed to gain more credibility than CNN, but I digress.)

    Anyway, this paper announced that it had discovered that JFK’s death was actually a suicide.

    That’s right – a suicide. It seems that Kennedy had found out that he was dying of Addison’s disease (look it up), and he wanted to make sure that his political legacy would be insured, and that he would always be remembered. So he hired Lee Harvey Oswald (or whoever – insert favorite possible assassin’s name here) to kill him.

    I doubt if he ever anticipated the 50-cent coins, but that was just a bonus.


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