Sharyl Attkisson confronts FBI with the mother of all loaded questions about DNC hacking – IOTW Report

Sharyl Attkisson confronts FBI with the mother of all loaded questions about DNC hacking

BPR: In light of the endless hysteria surrounding supposed Russian hacking of DNC servers and Democratic insistence that the Trump campaign was somehow involved, author and investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson has a pointed question … or two.

Upon discovering the alleged interference, why on earth wouldn’t the DNC have turned their compromised servers over to the FBI post-haste?

After all, wasn’t national security at stake?

“If Democratic National Committee DNC had turned its server(s) over for FBI exam after alleged Russia hacking of emails, I wonder what would have been found,” Attkisson tweeted. “Why didn’t FBI didn’t just take servers if national security were at stake? Permission not needed for matters so important.”  read more here

12 Comments on Sharyl Attkisson confronts FBI with the mother of all loaded questions about DNC hacking

  1. I like how the FBI asked to see the servers, and they were “rebuffed” by the DNC.

    If the FBI ever asks me for info, I think I’ll see if I can just refuse to give it to them. I mean, if the DNC can do it, I should be able to do it too. Right?

    Two chances.

  2. This incident of the DNC claiming “hacking” and then not wanting the police (FBI) to investigate the crime reeks of fraud. It’s like wasserman-shultz trying giving veiled threats to the D.C. police for not turning “her” laptop over to her (and then discovering it’s not really her laptop). It’s like someone with obvious motives burning down their home, the fire department finding gasoline was used, and the homeowner telling the police not to investigate.

    The FBI had to be complicit in their coverup. Had to. Who knows, maybe they’re the ones who killed Rich.

    Just caught a brief couple of seconds of someone saying to Ingraham last night that the entire FBI needs to be reset, since no one has any idea just how far the compromise goes.

  3. The left delegitimized and ultimately contaminated the FBI with its J. Edgar Hoover smear campaign. Like or hate Hoover, his files on all the politicians were like a constant reminder to them that they better behave. Like Hillary, everything and everyone that the left touches gets contaminated with the germs of corruption. FBI aka Fraudulent Bureau of Investigation.

  4. As usual, I don’t think the general public has a clue about what is going on in Washington regarding corruption. Should we get an Attorney General and investigators with the authority and drive to dig into this corruption, a fascinating political “Who Don It” will unfold. The general public will be watching “Dancing With 3rd Rates” and “I’m singing this for my mom who was just run over in the parking lot”.

  5. If the FBI had been forced to look at the DNC server which they already knew was not hacked, they would have been forced to “find” Imran Awan’s secret server which they already knew about. Too bad Paul Manafort didn’t have the magical power of rebuffing when they rousted him and tossed his house in the middle of the night.

  6. Inmont, the corruption of the FBI began in earnest with Bill Clinton. Craig Livingstone’s theft of hundreds of FBI files is probably still paying off for Bill and Hillary to this day.

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