Making Rubber Bands – IOTW Report

Making Rubber Bands

This clip on Twitter reminded of an old Bob and Ray clip.

Who remembers Bob and Ray?


18 Comments on Making Rubber Bands

  1. Kinda similar to making plastic. Except the mill roll, rotor screw, mixing barrel, etc are on a much larger scale. I wish i had made some videos years ago to share. Made my fair share of barrels, gearboxes, and repaired broken screws. The whole process is kind of like making bread when you step back and look at it.

  2. Wasn’t Bob Elliot’s son Chris was quite a weird comic in his own right. He used to be on Letterman back in the early days when it was funny.

    Hudson and Landry? They were funny too. The prospectors was hilarious.

    Shit. I’m old. Another odometer roll today. Ugh.

  3. I liked willard Scott. Don’t know the other guy. Old comedy… all comedy is lost.
    Except on this blog.

    I’ll have two hard boiled eggs. Honk honk. Make that 3 hard boiled eggs.

    Don’t know the joke? Google stateroom scene Marx brothers.

  4. HUGE fan of Bob and Ray!!!! Some record company had them do a weekly program of push artists and songs interspersed with many of their classic bits, and sent that for airing to college radio stations on custom LPs. I fell for Bob and Ray then. I have a goodly collection of B&R material, including those LPs. On a trip to NY once, I went up to the station they were working at, WOR I think, and got invited into the studio while they were doing their show! RIP, Bob and Ray!

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