Pot Argues With Kettle – IOTW Report

Pot Argues With Kettle

Very Fake News Wars: Fake Tapper Battles CNN Bosses Over Transparency.

Big Government: CNN lead anchor Jake Tapper does not agree with the lack of transparency his network’s management adopted in the wake of a scandal last June that led to the forced resignations of three top CNN editorial officials, Breitbart News can exclusively reveal.

Tapper, in an email conversation in late June 2017, told Breitbart News he would internally advocate inside the network that CNN’s corporate communications team cooperate with a Breitbart News investigation so that the public would have answers about why a Pulitzer Prize-winning editor, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated reporter, and the head of CNN’s investigative reporting unit were forced to resign.

“Send me a note to [Tapper’s official CNN email address—REDACTED SO AS NOT TO REVEAL PERSONAL INFORMATION] and I will forward and advocate they speak to you,” Tapper told Breitbart News via his personal email address when he was informed that CNN’s corporate communications team was not answering any questions about what happened with the scandal, then a week or so old. The email from Tapper was sent on June 30, in response to a Breitbart News email sent the same day.

Tapper has not replied to multiple follow-up emails about whether he still believes CNN should be transparent about this, nor has he answered questions about what happened and why and who was responsible or if he now believes it is acceptable for his network to cover up what happened. And CNN corporate communications officials Emily Kuhn and Lauren Pratapas have not responded to requests for comment on whether the network agrees with Tapper about the need for full transparency in explaining the scandal last June that resulted in three resignations and the retraction of a major story concerning the Trump administration and Russia. read more

5 Comments on Pot Argues With Kettle

  1. I went into an airport last week that had CNN on the terminal screens.
    The first headline that popped up said “Trump says all Puerto Rican’s have AIDS.”
    I literally said out loud “That’s a lie. CNN is lying again.”
    And they were.

  2. @Extirpates – as a cable network CNN doesn’t have to worry about a broadcasting license – that’s only for over the air broadcasters. What they should worry about is the coming day of reckoning where people no longer have cable bundles forced on them but get to choose what they purchase. The only thing keeping these left wing cable stations alive (and the Spanish language ones) is the money they get every month from forced subscription payments.

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