She exercised her right to free speech, and her sorority exercised their right to free association – IOTW Report

She exercised her right to free speech, and her sorority exercised their right to free association

All her life Harley Barber wanted to be in Alpha Phi. The New Jersey native went to college in Alabama and realized her dream. She was accepted into the sorority.

Now she’s been kicked out because of a video she posted on Instagram where she repeatedly taunted black people by using the word that you have the right to use, but usually doesn’t go well for you when you do use it.

Free speech, yes. But you’re not free of every possible repercussion of your speech.

See her in action HERE

ht/ jerry manderin

15 Comments on She exercised her right to free speech, and her sorority exercised their right to free association


    People say stuff, but there is no apology that will ever be accepted.

    She’s 19. Remember when you were young and stupid and none of it was caught on camera because no one had one?

  2. Someone in New Jersey told her we talk like that here and it is acceptable. Good riddance to having her here. She had the honor of attending the University of Alabama (RTR) and she tried to make us look bad. I am glad that the fact that she is from New Jersey was prominent in the story.

  3. Rights are preceded by obligations. We have the right to say whatever comes to mind. We have the obligation to be kind to our fellow man. In this instance, as in many, the two are in conflict. Think carefully and choose wisely. We aren’t Clintons (thank G_d).

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