Guess the Reader – IOTW Report

Guess the Reader

I always thought that Mr. Pinko was pixelating his pictures. Turns out, that’s his face from birth. He tells me it was a complicated, and tragic, forceps accident.

Here’s one from a reader that is going to be hard to top. This person got caught in this predicament and couldn’t get out. When mom found them she didn’t rush to extricate. She rushed for the camera.

Who is this?


41 Comments on Guess the Reader

  1. Obviously a conservative in the making… the middle child, not adored like the firstborn, nor coddled like the youngest. Just photographed when finally noticed and coping –without complaining–alone. Rugged individualism 20 years in the future.
    The child is 12-18 months old, late 1950’s / early 1960’s… no clue who this is… This is our ‘Everyreader.’

  2. MJA, that WOULD be just like me. I got into so much mischief.

    Remind me to tell you about the time I punched my leg through the floor of the attic – AFTER Dad told me not to go up there.

  3. Little Morphin Annie — Such an astute assessment of the situation. Bravo!

    This is such an adorable picture. It’s a wise baby who knows when they’re licked and the only thing to be done is to take a nap. But I give up, I’m terrible at guessing these things. I’m going with Uncle Al again because eventually I’ll be right. That’s a good strategy, I think. Kinda like Democrats and their candidates. Maybe I need to rethink my strategy.

  4. I shoulda gone with Mr. P. on the last one because he’s always going on about preserving his anonymity. LOL!

    I think there’s a similar clue in this pic, just can’t find it.

  5. That is really one of the cutest baby pics I’ve ever seen. Ahhh, to be that secure again. And all that yummy baby fat! Just look at those wristles. I don’t think I’ll ever get over baby fever. Keep those baby pics coming, guys!

  6. I know this pic, and it does explain a lot. However I must say there was no child abuse, fetal alcohol, or lack of oxygen to the brain involved and she grew up to be an incredible and (mostly) well adjusted wife and mom who went on to do the same to our kids.

  7. Well, that was fun! Thanks for all the swell comments. I hope no one thinks badly of my mother… she always went with her instinct – humor! She made me the unspoiled, self-sufficient smartass I am today!

    Now for the record, I did up her game with our three kids. One is a doctor, one has joined the family business, and mini-me is kicking up her conservative heels at college! I made mistakes (as every mother does)… but I resisted the temptation to reach for a camera!!!

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