Dennis Miller – Start Impeachment Against Trump Now – IOTW Report

Dennis Miller – Start Impeachment Against Trump Now

Miller wants the left, Rinos and #NeverTrumpers to put up or shut up. Impeachment would go nowhere, and everyone knows it. It’s just a constant distraction.

METHINKS… Take Trump Down or Pipe Down, Start Impeachment Proceedings Now.

Try reading it without having Dennis Miller’s voice and inflections in your head.

ht/ illustr8r


26 Comments on Dennis Miller – Start Impeachment Against Trump Now

  1. Dennis Miller is screaming for someone to notice him. There certainly is no impeachment discussion until after the mid-terms, and then only if the elephants get their ass kicked. Take a seat Dennis.

  2. Hi was a Dennis Miller fan for a long time. And as such, and someone who has followed him over probably 20+ years, I would would advise that he has gone crazy. Crazy against Trump and Crazy against the constitution that he would stand for before this strife in his life. Drugs? I don’t know.

  3. too many joke-lines in search of a topic here, Dennis … usually love most of your stuff, but this one is so far afield I need a road map to get back to the subject matter
    … jeez, am I being too cranky tonight?

  4. YESSIR….I agree with Dennis…Impeach him if you can…..and you know you can’t….can you say impeach him?…..I know you can….I’ll be slipping into my cardigan and slippers now…….wow, look at the train!!!!…

  5. OK Nudies, Claudia Cardinal, Raquel Welch, Sophia, Britt Ekland, Jill St John, Jennifer Aniston, Elke sommer, Elizabeth Montgomery….where does the madness stop?….

  6. Don’t worry, fur, I do read the articles and click bait you post. Promise.
    For instance, Miller is just pointing out that this whole impeachment thing has gone on long enough and that the left needs to try it now or shut the hell up already.

  7. First, who listens to anything a real new yawker says?

    Second, it’s miller, read it to find out the thought process to get there.

    I still don’t listen to him.

  8. A good number of commentors here just don’t get Miller. He’s a political conservative and a brilliant one at that. I’ve followed him for years and this is classic Dennis. All he is doing challenging the leftist aholes to put up or stfu. He knows that nothing would come of it. Then Trump would silence them at least on this impeachment bull. Try reading the article in FULL.


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