McConnell Kills Bill Protecting Mueller from Firing: ‘We’ll Not Be Having This on the Floor of the Senate’ – IOTW Report

McConnell Kills Bill Protecting Mueller from Firing: ‘We’ll Not Be Having This on the Floor of the Senate’

WFB: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said Tuesday he would not bring any bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller to the floor, calling it unnecessary.

McConnell’s announcement effectively killed a bill meant to shield Mueller which was introduced last week by a bipartisan group of senators, called the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act.

McConnell has previously stated he sees no need to have a bill protecting Mueller, who is spearheading the Russia investigation, and he repeated to Fox News host Neil Cavuto that he thinks President Donald Trump firing him would be a mistake.

“That’s not necessary,” McConnell said. “There’s no indication that Mueller is going to be fired. I don’t think the president’s going to do that. Just as a practical matter, even if we passed it, why would we sign it?”

“I’m the one who decides what we take to the floor. That’s my responsibility as the Majority Leader,” he added. “We’ll not be having this on the floor of the Senate.”  more here

9 Comments on McConnell Kills Bill Protecting Mueller from Firing: ‘We’ll Not Be Having This on the Floor of the Senate’

  1. “Just as a practical matter, even if we passed it, why would we sign it?”

    I think that is supposed to read “…why would he sign it?”

    Yes, that pesky veto thing. While the Senate is busy engaging in impotent posturing, Why doesnt it write a bill banning the Presidential veto?

  2. The Uniparty will be upset with this call. They don’t want the American voter to elect anyone that’s not on their list of followers that report in step with them every issue. Some voters have caught on to the political game to keep outsiders out of elections.

  3. The swamp wants Trump to fire Mueller hence they can’t pass a bill to stop it. Mueller is losing big time in the court of public opinion. He has nothing. The only way the Mueller saves face is to get fired and have the media turn that story into an impeachable offense. Not Mitch the white knight, more like Mitch trying to give the swamp an out if they can just goad Trump into doing it.

  4. They’re trying to protect the wrong guy, anyway. It’s Mueller’s patron, Rodentstein, whose job is in jeopardy.. Just like with Pompeo’s secret trip to Korea, these pompous, lazy Senate fools are going to be caught flat-footed when Rod gets the axe.

  5. Mueller is an employee of the Executive Branch. the President runs the Executive Branch. …. it’s in the Constitution. the President can fire him at will.

    ain’t a damned thing Congress can do about it …. besides, I’m pretty sure this is one bill the President would ‘pocket’


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