England is Done on So Many Different Levels – IOTW Report

England is Done on So Many Different Levels

It’s not just the Muslims. It’s this class.

This is a grandma, mother and child. The kid is a 2 year-old monster who “goes for” other children and scratches them on the face.

They’re upset that the kid’s been thrown out of the nursery.


‘After the Easter break, he went back again and scratched another little girl’s face so her mother took her out of the nursery altogether. The day after he scratched another little girl and they suspended him for a week.’

After a crunch meeting with the nursery this week, directors told Sharon and Danny’s mum Charley, 24, that they would not accept Danny back at the nursery due to the risk his behaviour posed to other children.

But Ms Love, who also has four great-grandchildren, believes Danny has not been given a fair chance and said the nursery was warned about his tendency to ‘go for’ other children.

Sharon said: ‘He doesn’t swear or throw things – he is a really good bairn but now and then he will go for another child.’



Are they having a laugh?


33 Comments on England is Done on So Many Different Levels

  1. From the link: She added: ‘Sometimes in the street we have got to watch him with other children. We haven’t got to the bottom of it and we don’t know what the problem is yet.”
    Mmmmmmm, a good hard spanking will get you the “bottom” of the problem, you fat cow.

  2. Oof, you should see some of the comments on other articles about this kid, well one in particular in which a person claims that the nursery where she works would NEVER suspend a child, because they all deserve the chance to learn boundaries, etc.

    Three times the child scratched other children. My son was in class with a biter; by the time he got to my child he’d already bitten two others and before I even had time to make threats about removing my child they gave him (the biter) the boot. I’ve heard this number a lot as well and find it ridiculous that any nursery would allow a child to stay who simply won’t stop this dangerous behavior.

  3. Could be bath salts from the looks of things.

    The reason we distinguish between Adults and children is so that one may learn from the other. It is how a civil society remains civil. Even uncivil adults should learn from the civil. Children are not our best friends.

  4. The 64 thousand dollar question, where is the father?
    I am a little surprised the little bastard isn’t half black.
    Seems that’s all the rage today.
    Rhetorical question, no answer expected.

  5. THIS is what leads to the toleration of invaders.

    No morals.
    No perspective (as in self-knowledge).
    No civility.
    No self-respect.
    The whole “I am the Center of the Universe” bullshit writ large.

    The sad part is, you don’t have to travel to the UK to find this attitude.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. chuffed-beyond-words

    The goose has been dispatched, plucked and seasoned……..it’s close to being cooked. Give it a couple more years of appeasement and submission.

  7. If they were smart they’d say their little filthy evil vile brat was attacking kids exhibiting Islamaphobia – he’d be given the red carpet to stay in any state run tax paid facility.

  8. We had a little monster living down the street from us when my kids were little. One day the little punk started picking on my youngest daughter and the neighbor girl, I saw it and went outside and told the little bastard to knock it off, I also swatted him on the ass and told him if he ever did it again I would make his life miserable. It’s a good thing no one saw it because I was pissed and I might’ve got arrested for child abuse but the little jerk deserved it. My daughter works with preschool kids and some of her kids are little terrors, a lot of their parents just don’t give a damn about how their kids act.

  9. Spoiled grown-up kids lead to brat children. Free range child rearing never works. Limits and the imposition of social values/behaviors must be imposed or they grow up to be Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy (always the predator never the man of the community).

    My daughter bit someone one time – to this day she’l tell you why people need to be told and shown what happens when you break a rule or law for less than a honorable reason (your butt hurts for a day or so!)

    Actions have consequences and consequences teach!

  10. Spoiled grown-up kids lead to brat children. Free range child rearing never works. Limits and the imposition of social values/behaviors must be imposed or they grow up to be Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy (always the predator never the man of the community).

    My daughter bit someone one time – to this day she’l tell you why people need to be told and shown what happens when you break a rule or law for less than a honorable reason (your butt hurts for a day or so!)

    Actions have consequences and consequences teach!

  11. As is evidenced by the actions of our present younger generations it’s apparent, even to someone as brain dead as Maxine Waters, that there has been way too much sparing of the rod and not enough ass whuppings.

  12. It’s much easier to stop this behavior before five years old, don’t leave any marks on them or you can end up with the CPS in your life for a long time.
    Never been there, but I’ve seen it.
    If you spank a kid and you leave a mark, you might want to take a trip with the little guy until it’s gone. No one would know where you went. From what I’ve seen the state isn’t very good at protecting kids, just tearing family’s apart.

  13. “From what I’ve seen the state isn’t very good at protecting kids, just tearing family’s apart.”

    If one were really conspiracy minded, one could almost imagine some state operatives deliberately busting families apart in order to foster children with pedophiles rings.

    Actually, one need not be very conspiracy minded at all to imagine such going on.

  14. Little bastards down the street used to take my nephews bicycle and tease him. The POS was about three years older. Worthless mother couldn’t care less, nobody in their right mind would have married the filthy slut that spawned the bastard, so daddy was anyone’s guess.

    I took a bowling pin and put it in the paper tube at the end of the driveway on the cul de sac and told my nephew to just stand with your back to him and let him ride in circles closer and closer to you until he starts slapping at the back of your head and move over next to the paper tube then when he goes past grab the bowling pin and hold it close to you in front so he can’t see it, then when he comes around for the next slap at the back of your head swing the pin right into his face as hard as you can.

    When I got home my brother in law came up and ask if I had lost my fucking mind, Christian nearly killed that punk down the street with a bowling pin he said you gave him the pin and taught him how to bait the little bastard in.

    This little bastard, and my guess is dear ol dad is maybe one of a dozen possibles, will get his some day and it is the fat slobs that he lives with who are responsible for making it so.

  15. “The 64 thousand dollar question, where is the father?”

    The same place the fathers seem to have been in all the Tower Hamlets/Mohammedan child rape cases that the UK covered up for 20 years: absent and obsoleted, replaced by gov’t welfare.

  16. Where’s Dad? Get his ass in the picture, let’s see what that sperm donor did to that kid by being 50% responsible for the brat. Too bad there’s no boot camp for brats like that – and the parents!

  17. From the comments under the original article:

    “‘He is a really good bairn but now and then he will go for another child’ 😂 Total angel. Triple-tilted compo face for the win.”

    The Brits have a name for it
    compo face
    The look of sheer bewilderment and agony as demonstrated pictorially by the lower class when seeking remuneration or recognition as result of an ‘injury’ or traumatic experience.

    What I call out our local paper for posting the obligatory combo face they lose their Goddamned mind, they know I am right though. And it is almost always for pain they have brought on themselves that the pity portrait accompanies.

  18. 128K Dollar Question: What is this slug doing that requires someone at a “nursery” to raise and teach her 2 year old?

    America is “done,” on so many levels, for precisely the same reason.


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