Fascist High School Student Facing Battery Charges For Her Classroom Freakout Over a MAGA HAt – IOTW Report

Fascist High School Student Facing Battery Charges For Her Classroom Freakout Over a MAGA HAt

This fascist matter-of-factly says the MAGA hat is racist (who told her that?) so she feels anything she does in reaction to it is justified and noble.

Stupid people tend to fall for this unthinking line of reasoning. It’s what the left counts on amongst their base, programming absolutely dumb-as-dirt people to do their soldiering. But it’s backfiring. These displays of asshattery are turning people off to the left in droves.

KEEP DOING THIS, DUMBBELLS, you’re building the red wave for November.

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66 Comments on Fascist High School Student Facing Battery Charges For Her Classroom Freakout Over a MAGA HAt

  1. Actually feel for the father who seems caught between agreeing with the school and supporting his idiot daughter. Girls during, in and on either end of puberty can be positively hateful to parents. He has my sympathy.

  2. Wow, My county. Right up the hill and the first Ive heard of this. This county is all about MAGA and DJT. If that little bitch slapped somebody I guarantee you they will be prosecuted.
    Bay Area transplants.

  3. The prog mindset is the most closed-minded of ideologies. The leaders manipulate the moron followers, who are about as dumb as a sack of hammers, into thinking themselves to be morally superior and this is the result

  4. Her defense, “[the hat] is a racist and hateful symbol.”

    I’ve been trying to understand how someone comes to this conclusion and be so convinced they are right to use it as justification and defense of their behavior. It’s not just hats, it’s also statues and pretty much anything DJT is involved with, like his hotels and golf courses that get vandalized.

    To some point I get it, we lived with Obama for 8 years and believe me there was more than one time I wanted to break shit. Obama was on an apology tour the entire presidency. Get used to what America is suppose to be, progs. The 17 year old in the video was 7 or 8 years old when Obama was elected, she knows nothing about proud America. Her father should be embarrassed and ashamed, but I don’t think progs have those emotions.

  5. A MAGA hat is “racist.”

    This is what the Democrat party has been reduced to; what this poor child believes is actually the established, mainstream position for the Democrat/Left.

  6. She is the kind of person who would say “damn right I have the right to burn the flag and if you don’t like it you can choke on it because (wait for it) … FREE Speech. But she will smack you and your teacher for wearing a political hat that she disagrees with because she is morally superior to whoever.

    She is the embodiment of what the SA was doing for Hitler on his rise to power. And she is too busy virtue signalling to realize it. If she had an actual teacher he could take this as a learning/teaching opportunity. Maybe point out the differences between a fascist and anyone else? The latter will ask questions of those they disagree and engage them and be willing to exchange ideas whereas the former will steal your hat and smack you in the face and given just a little more power they will kill you thinking they are making the world a better place.

  7. It’s what the left counts on amongst their base, programming absolutely dumb-as-dirt people to do their soldiering.

    I thought their soldiers were xen in smaht uniforms. Who count their take from my wallet. After shooting my dog. And knowing that all will thank them. People on the right side of history for their heroism — people on the wrong side of history for their service.,

  8. Gee, dad, if you don’t agree with the way she handled it, maybe you should have taught the little witch some manners before she ended up with battery charges.

    Then again, from the looks and the sound of her, I suspect she may be a “slow learner” that was mainstreamed. 😛

  9. @Pelopidas So True. I’ve been reading a book by Major von Luck, Rommels favorite Tank commander. (which is surprisingly good) He states things in that book that are damn near quotes from our local fascists. And, he hated it then too.

  10. Where did she learn that she can do whateverthe f*ck she wants wheneverthe f*ck she wants to do it JUST because SHE’S OFFENDED…..Dad?
    He did seem a little…….slow.

  11. The bone structure of her face, in addition to making her ugly on the outside as well as inside, suggests fetal alcohol syndrome.

    In Huxley’s Brave New World, the lower class stupid people were created that way by adding alcohol to the ersatz amniotic fluid in their artificial wombs.

  12. She’s lucky the teacher didn’t blast her in the face when she slapped him. I’m a firm believer that people would behave in a much more considerate and restrained fashion if they got blasted in the face more often. The kid whose hat she swiped also would have been justified in blasting her in the face.

    Unfortunately, her attitude comes from her parents, who clearly have failed at teaching their daughter civility.

  13. If you can’t be dynamic, be controversial. That poor thing will never by dynamic.
    At least her father didn’t stick up for her actions. Although they both sound like they’re going to push for censorship.

  14. Teach your kid stupid shit at home and they’re going to do stupid shit away from home. Send your kids to public school and they’re going to learn more stupid shit than they will learn the three R’s.

    There were times during the 8 years of Obama that I wanted to slap the shit out of someone with an Obama shirt on, just like times I wanted/want to rear end some idiot with an Obama bumper sticker or Hillary bumper sticker or Bernie sticker along with Pro-Choice, Gun Control, Co-exist, gay pride, etc. However, I came from the generation of reality not feelings so I don’t do it.

  15. that reminds me, there was a 9th grade girl i recall that looked like our subject. She sat alone at the cafeteria and put boogers on her ice cream bar. No shit.

  16. When she is in the market for a boyfriend, she shops at the contractor entrance to Home Depot.
    There’s a green card application in every ugly, fat American girls future.

  17. RottyLover:
    Moe Tom, I disagree. There is a black guy out there that will do her.

    Something I notice a lot in my neck of the woods, black men with really fat and ugly white women. Rarely do I see one with a skinny pretty woman or a skinny ugly woman or even a fat pretty woman.
    Mexican men seem to be attracted to the same type of white woman.

    Yet white men seem to always be with pretty black women or pretty Mexican women.

    I can’t speak for Muslim men because their women are always covered from head to toe.

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  1. HS student slapped with 2 counts of battery for stealing classmate’s MAGA hat, hitting teacher – IOTW Report

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