I’m Putting Up “Truth About McCain” Posts All During This Bastard’s Hagiographies – IOTW Report

I’m Putting Up “Truth About McCain” Posts All During This Bastard’s Hagiographies

Here’s a good one. This is about the “war hero’s” efforts to thwart people who sought to find out if there were POWs left behind in American conflicts. Senators and the military participate in this documentary to tell everyone what they think of “the hero.”


28 Comments on I’m Putting Up “Truth About McCain” Posts All During This Bastard’s Hagiographies

  1. Just because someone dies does it mean that we are to soft peddle the truth??

    Hey, if a pedophile was a pedophile those are simple hard facts.

    If a burglar was a burglar….the facts are the facts.

    If a traitor was a traitor………

  2. @chuffed.

    It’s probably not worth the effort and by next Tuesday his name will be all but forgotten. At least that’s what I’m hoping.

    Does anybody now speak of ted Kennedy other than in a punchline? Which have old expiration dates.

    Tell me your favorite Millard Fillmore jokes. I’m sure there were some back in the day.

    McCain will rightly assume the inconsequential status he deserved, politically. As for his relationship with his brothers in arms, he’ll continue to reap the scorn he deserves.

  3. i held my nose and voted for him in 08…….but only because he was running against obama…..

    piece of shit took too long getting what was coming, and did too much damage along the way…..

    ….my thumb is DOWN for him…..

    ridiculous showboat, waiting til the last minute to show up and repudiate his own arizona voters by voting against obamacare repeal……breaking his campaign promises…..piece of shit…..

    good news is, i live close enough i might eventually get to pee on his grave!!!….even if i have to bring the pee in a glass jar………cause it’s kinda difficult for us wymmyns to pee on graves………..that’s a hint to all you guys out there……

  4. All the McCain acolytes, lackeys, toadies and sycophants had to do to get me to say nothing was the STFU and not torture me with eight days of fawning over the bastard. But no.

    I liken it to a girlfriend I used to have who asked me: Why must you tell so and so that you are never going to marry me? My response was: If you would stop telling people I was going to marry you I wouldn’t have to correct the record.

    I was minding my own business and content to say nothing when I was provoked.

  5. Farewell Senator *. Although I disliked your self serving and vindictive ways, even though you called us tea party activists ‘wacko birds’, in the end we won. You lost.
    You shall forever remain an asterisk. Inconsequential and irrelevant.

  6. We an be thankful that the family actually reported that McCain had died. He apparently was getting so senile that he wasn’t able to communicate with reason any more. So the PTB had to decide whether to replicate him with a double — like they did with Hillary Clinton, or shut him up permanently. No holographic image either, to fake him so he can sing “Bomb, bomb, bomb Syria,” at his funeral.

  7. I haven’t seen such an outpouring of false devotion by the MSDM since that child molesting, monkey loving, mental case Michael Jackson died from a drug overdose. It went on for more than a week, just like this phony outpouring of Leftist admiration for their favorite Rinocrat.

  8. Hero ?

    This POS was at least partially responsible for deaths of 134 sailors on the USS Forrestal.

    He was never court martialed because who he was related to.

    Heroes don’t get 134 of their buddies killed.

    Maybe Pope Francis will canonize him.

    He could then live in faggot heaven.

  9. I’m surprised he didn’t get this video squashed. He admits his arms were broken when he ejected but spent the next 50 yrs saying they were broken to torture him.
    No matter. God knows the truth and His opinion matters more than all the self important people who will be saying phony nice things about him.


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