Movement Aims to Kick Chicago Out of Illinois – IOTW Report

Movement Aims to Kick Chicago Out of Illinois


…there’s a growing movement to split Illinois into two states. Republican state lawmaker Brad Halbrook recently got big applause at an Effingham, Ill., rally when he talked about a bill he reintroduced in February to do just that, reports the Washington Post, which takes a look at the movement that includes grass-roots groups with names like Illinois Separation and New Illinois. Supporters say Chicago has too much influence in Illinois politics; Halbrook went on Fox & Friends Monday to make that argument and call for a “new Illinois.”

Some supporters also insist it’s not just about politics: While Chicago has a lot of economic power, “one in four jobs [in the state] is related to agriculture, so there is another economic driver,” Halbrook says, noting that the rest of Illinois could hold its own economically. The co-founder of New Illinois adds that the issue isn’t a “red, blue, Republican and Democrat thing. It’s an urban versus rural thing.”



11 Comments on Movement Aims to Kick Chicago Out of Illinois

  1. No.
    Give it to Indiana.
    Don’t need 2 more totalitarian/socialist Senators.

    Or disband it – cut it up into independently autonomous sections.
    Or do it like an Indian Reservation – something that exists outside the Republic. Maybe bring back the idea of the City-State without representation in the Senate?

    Or nuke it from orbit – just to be sure …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Instead of a state’s secession, how about expulsion from the Union? Reduced to territorial status with an appointed governor, no legislature and one non-voting representative in Congress.


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