Dems Desert Texas House To Deny Quorum Needed To Pass Election Reform – IOTW Report

Dems Desert Texas House To Deny Quorum Needed To Pass Election Reform


Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives kept a bill with sweeping new voting restrictions from passing by walking out shortly before a midnight deadline, denying the majority Republicans a quorum.

Republican Governor Greg Abbott promptly said he would call a special session to try again to get it approved, but didn’t say when that would be.

The bill, known as Senate Bill 7, would have imposed a raft of election changes that eliminated drive-thru voting, empowered partisan poll watchers and imposed new requirements in order to cast a ballot by mail in Texas, which already has some of the toughest voting laws in the nation. More

12 Comments on Dems Desert Texas House To Deny Quorum Needed To Pass Election Reform

  1. Hey, congressional Republicans, watch and learn. Walk out in their HR1, if a quorum is needed! Nancy and Schumer certainly would use such chicken💩tactics!

  2. Childish tantrums are a political tactic for the leftists, This is used often and should have been expected and a response calculated into the plans.


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