Brutal Attack Ad – IOTW Report

Brutal Attack Ad

Citizens for Sanity has released an ad the are calling “STOP THE SLAUGHTER” that pulls no punches. Watch

12 Comments on Brutal Attack Ad

  1. Love that all the perps are black until the mug shots amd then they are all white.

    WTF ever, this country has a crime problem because it has a race problem.

    95% of violent crimes are committed by 7% of the population. Young Black males.

    Conservative Cowgirl is correct. These feral animals are allowed to rampage in Blue cities by design.

    All they are doing ia redpilling Blue voters. Record gun sales are through the roof.

    The Luciferians never seem to understand the equal and opposite reaction to their satanic schemes.

    Young ferals are not an issue in open carry states.

    In Missouri the crime rates of young ferals on other blacks us high, but black on white crime is very low. Wonder why that is?

  2. “Abandon all hope ye who enter here”

    Should be engraved at the entrance of every Demonrat Shithole in America.
    For truly, America’s cities are Hell.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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