Why Generals Act Stupidly – IOTW Report

Why Generals Act Stupidly


The military chain of command knew an evacuation [from Afghanistan] was imminent for months, and the Kabul airport was even more vulnerable to attack than the disastrous French position at Dien Bien Phu during the first Vietnam war. Despite that, not a single general officer, beginning with the secretary of defense — a retired general — raised an objection to the State Department’s choice of the Kabul Airport. One of two things happened here: Either they lacked the moral courage to speak up, or they did not know. In either case, I am convinced that the deplorable state of our military professional education system lies at the root of the problem. More

When a nation trains its officers to be political, they’ll act politically not militarily. – Dr. Tar

20 Comments on Why Generals Act Stupidly




  2. Civilian control of the military is a great idea. They should tell the military where to go and who to kill. What they want as an ‘end state’. But way too many chuckle heads in DC want to tell the military how to do their job. This got completely out of hand in Viet Nam and has only gotten worse since then.

    And those same chuckle heads feel no remorse when their ignorance of armed conflict costs American lives.

  3. JDHasty, you’re on a roll tonight with the obscure country songs that I never heard before. I’ll never think of Big Bad John by Jimmy Dean the same ever again. Thanks for making me laugh at the line, “He never met a man that he didn’t like.” Where do you find these old c&w gems, they’re great.

  4. @ Lowell
    “And those same chuckle heads feel no remorse when their ignorance of armed conflict costs American lives”

    …and their reasoning is, “It ain’t me or mine doing the dying , so why should I care.”

  5. I can’t even imagine Ike or Patton or General Anthony Mccauliffe telling the Germans who wanted him to surrender during the Battle of the Bulge “Nuts” to give up like we did in Vietnam let alone Ashcanistan a couple of years ago. It would’ve never even have crossed their minds since they were focused on the unconditional surrender of our enemies.

  6. @ geoff the aardvark SUNDAY, 24 SEPTEMBER 2023, 20:56 AT 8:56 PM

    I don’t know how many thousand CDs I have in the basement…. and more vinyl. I have a real good friend in California who is also a Homer & Jethro fan. He never heard Big Bad John before, it was only on early pressings of the record. When I found it on YouTube I forwarded it to him and he was flabbergasted.

  7. Trust me, 95% of making 07 is devotion to the political class. The remaining 5% is what’s left of your integrity.

    Why do you think the politicians get to “vote” on it?

    Thats the big thumb of gubmit buddy. The Army plans for every conceivable contingency, but ultimately a politician makes the decision from a suite of options not a General of any kind.

    Now go back and ask yourself just who made the all the decisions for Allahfuckmestan?

    That’s right ValJar through her pedophilic meat puppet. The utter humiliation of the withdrawal (rout) was a feature not a bug.

    Same bitch gave OBL a pass six times before too many knew about his Pakistani hideout to save him.

    That’s the scope of evil we are up against. Valjar runs the Unioarty for her cabal masters.

    His execution was a message to Pakistan as much as anythimg.

  8. We trashed a trick leaving Ashcanistan. One brigade of Cav, heavy on Scouts could have been echaloned along 150 miles of that road from Pakistan where the taliban was waiting. Use a satellite to let us know when the tail of the bulk had crossed the border. Slam the door behind ’em, and start rolling them up from each end.

    We could have reduced them to non-functional in 4 hours. This is exactly what Cav units are built to do.

  9. Just remember the “other actor” fallacy of expecting someone else to act in YOUR best interests to the exclusion of their own applies to the military as well. Maybe mothers come close to this standard consciously, and some people in emergency situations, but mostly folks act according to their agenda and not yours, even if that’s their job, if its in THEIR best interests to sacrifice YOURS.

    …even the best of men (which we certainly do not currently have in DC) are subject to this. Take the biblical King David, accounted by the Bible to be annointed of God and the apple of God’s eye (Psalm 17).

    David was the best man one could hope for in a leader.

    Then one day he saw a soldier’s wife bathing on a roof, one thing led to another, and lomg story short he ordered his generals to start a hopeless battle with this very loyal soldier in the front and abandon him to die on the battlefield, all in a vain attempt to cover up the fact that his King, this best of men, this fearless general and master tactician…broke a few Commandments and knocked up the guy’s wife. (2 Samuel 11, whole chapter).

    …and THIS was a man annoited by GOD to lead His people.

    You can be SURE that, whoever picks OUR generals is NOT God.

    …so you should never trust in men, only in God.

    Men WILL fail you. ALL men.

    Only God won’t.

    Make HIM your leader, your guide, and your King.

    None other can ever be trusted.

  10. Unfortunately, they aren’t making them like General Curtis LeMay any longer. He knew how to kill America’s enemies and drive them to their knees. During WWII, he was asked by a reporter how we could ever expect to defeat an enemy as fanatical as the Japanese, he said, “When we kill enough of them, they’ll stop fighting.”

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