Major Study Confirms Covid-Vaxxed Cause Side Effects in Unvaccinated People – IOTW Report

Major Study Confirms Covid-Vaxxed Cause Side Effects in Unvaccinated People

Slay: A major new peer-reviewed study has confirmed that unvaccinated people can suffer from the harmful side effects of Covid mRNA “vaccines” by just being around people who have received the injections.

The study finally confirms the existence of “vaccine shedding” – an issue previously shot down by health officials as a “conspiracy theory.”

Alarmingly, the study found that unvaccinated people suffer vaccine harms even if they are “indirectly exposed” to those who received Covid mRNA shots.

A study titled, “Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals,” was just published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

The team of top American researchers behind the study was led by Professor Jill Newman and Dr. Sue E. Peters.

The study revealed shocking findings: Unvaccinated women who were around vaccinated people daily (within 6 feet) suffered vaccine side effects.

The women suffered a 34% higher risk of heavy menstrual bleeding, a 28% higher chance of their period starting over a week early, and a 26% higher chance of menstrual bleeding lasting more than seven days.

Women with little close contact with vaccinated people saw no change.
One of the authors of the study wrote: more

19 Comments on Major Study Confirms Covid-Vaxxed Cause Side Effects in Unvaccinated People

  1. These people tried to shut the unvaccinated out of society because they were going to kill everyone, which was a lie. Now it is proven that they themselves are actually harming the unvaccinated.

    Maybe it is time to lock them out of society.

  2. The vaxxxine was specifically designed to cripple, kill, and sterilize as many as they could without being too obvious. All of the “accepted” Coof “treatments” such as Remdesivir and ventilators had the same objective, as did the unwarranted hysreria they raised about the subject itself.

    You cannot be surprised that this happened as well. It was all quite intentiinal and still is. You may notice that it is STILL on the MANDITORY vaccine schedule in many states despite the fact that Coof was never even a threat to children, and that it is still pushed on adults by many “doctors” without regard for the mountain of evidence that instead of “First, do no harm” that it does nothing BUT harm.

    It was never about any virus.

  3. Since I’ve taken the vaccine does that mean I can’t date anymore? Maybe I’ll go plant a big sloppy kiss on my ex and see what happens.

    Better yet, I’ll just run outside and breath in all the chemtrails and exhale them on my enemies, or I could zap them with my phone’s 5G nanobot gamma ray laser. On second thought, I should consult with my Freemason chapter before doing anything rash.


  4. Being around the idiots that fell for the Quackzine and all the fixin’s that went along with that farce was detrimental enough.

    Although I don’t buy this “study”, I continue to ABSOLUTELY DESPISE those that weaponized a virus, weaponized a ‘pandemic’, and weaponized their cures against us all. Including the worthless as shit officials the world over who bent humanity over. I will never forgive them because I will never forget; and they have not and will not ever be contrite.

  5. It all comes together when you realize that Donald Trump used the war powers act to manufacture ventilators to kill covid patients, operation warp speed to create bioweapons to trigger the depopulation program, got covid and then took remdesivir, and then took his own vaccines and boosters or can you wrap your psychotic delusions around that ?


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