It is with a tremendously heavy heart.. – IOTW Report

It is with a tremendously heavy heart..

We’ve lost one of the originalists on iOwnTheWorld, and a stalwart on iOTWreport.

It is with great sadness that I inform you that Col. Angus has passed. He was a friend. We talked often. I knew he was ill, yet he was always asking about my welfare. He recently shared some DVDs from his collection that he felt I would enjoy. He was a good soul.

I met Col. when I stayed in Texas with AWD for a few weeks. Lady Gun was there, too. It just hit me that we have lost them both.

My condolences to his family (some of whom frequent this site). (His brother, who you all know, sent me an email this morning.)

They all hurt, but this one stings.

This family of good people has suffered a lot in the last couple of years. Let us pray.

47 Comments on It is with a tremendously heavy heart..

  1. So many years of reading his posts with great enjoyment… I will miss him very much. Praying for God to send strength and comfort for his family and friends right now, and for as long as necessary.

  2. Oh, no. My heart is broken. Col. Angus, I’ll meet you in Heaven, ok?

    I find this very hard, but I thank God for his presence here that we all got to know his precious soul.

    God, please wrap your loving arms around his family and all of us who will miss him. Thank you and Amen.

  3. He was serious. He was funny. He was gracious. He was snarky. He was a fine, fine companion and I will miss his company until we meet again. Rest in Peace my friend.


  4. Rest in the peace of the great arms of Jesus, Col. Angus. And we pray for the peace of God which transcends all human understanding for his family and friends.

  5. My heartfelt condolences to all. His light will shine down on you from the greatly exalted realm of the creator. Know he watches over all of you he touched in love and light from that realm.

    Not a regular member, more of a lurker for several years and felt moved to say.
    God bless.

  6. We will miss him, our community is reduced by his loss, but our loss is Heaven’s gain. Absent from the body is present with the Lord.

    Let us pray, as BFH says, for those he leaves in his wake, for his brother and the close family who mourn him, that they may have the comfort of the Lord in this trying time, the Blessed Assurance that this is only a temporary parting and they can meet again one day before the Lord and delight in his company once again, and forever more. Let us too pray for his extended family and friends, particuarly for our BFH who knew him beyond these pages and who keenly feels his loss. As Cluadia says, ” I thank God for his presence here that we all got to know his precious soul.”

    Dear Lord, we come before You today in sorrow for ourselves for the loss of one of our community. We ask that You send Your Comforter to whisper to those who mourn today of the fact that he continues in Your loving arms, and that he is at rest and in peace with You, this day and forever, and that all who seek You may in their time be with him as well. Lord, touch the broken hearted, lift their spirits, and strengthen their hearts, as we praise You that we were blessed to be able to share in his wisdom for any time at all. Hearts may be broken but faith will never be as we paise You with hope and gratitude that one day we may meet at Your feet in an incredible iOTW reunion where the veils are lifted between us and we can laugh as we reflect on the cares of this sin-sick world we so earnestly debated are as nothing in the light of Your glory. We pray all this in the merciful Name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.

    God Bless,

  7. God speed, and my heartfelt condolences to his loved ones.

    These always bring up the question of just how long I have been active here. I really couldn’t tell you. It was I Own The World Days and I had been active there long enough that I had gotten emails from BFH letting me know what the score was during the transition.

    It also reminds me that we really do need to have another PNW get together. Or maybe make it a west coast get together. Ain’t none of us getting any younger.

  8. I am truly moved by your notes and prayers. At the end, he could barely be understood when he talked because the cancer had eroded most of his jaw and he was in unimaginable pain, but his mind was still sharp and he had a terrific sense of humor.

    The last thing he told me was that he had crossed two things off of his bucket list: he had seen PDT sworn in and he’d outlived Jimmy Carter!

    No one ever had a better friend or brother. Again, thank you all for your kind words and especially your prayers.

  9. Lo, there do I see my father.

    Lo, there do I see my mother,

    and my sisters, and my brothers.

    Lo, there do I see the line of my people,

    Back to the beginning!

    Lo, they do call to me.

    They bid me take my place among them,

    In the halls of Valhalla!

    Where the brave may live forever!

  10. Ah, so very, very sad to hear another IOTWer has left us, but I bet those who have gone before him are giving Col. Angus a wonderful IOTW greeting up in Heaven.
    Heartfelt prayers sent to his family.

  11. Col Angus, when we catch up again, we will have to discuss that Tom Selleck series. Until then, my friendly.

    Obamaplease – I’m so sorry for your loss. Your brother is a good spirit. 🙏


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