California: Poverty Capital of the Nation – IOTW Report

California: Poverty Capital of the Nation

For all the advantages California is endowed, it manages to have the highest poverty rate in the nation.
The Golden State is a man-made disaster that’s only getting worse.  More

24 Comments on California: Poverty Capital of the Nation

  1. Kalifornia is a shythole of libtards and illegals. Let them succeed from the US and they’ll be a truly shythole country.

    The rest of us will not miss much.

  2. Socal is building housing tract after housing tract of very expensive homes. How many illegals and muslims make 300k a year? That’s called low income housing in some parts.

  3. Pretty honest assessment from the LA Times, and points the finger at those pushing the high-speed train to nowhere, hiring Eric Holder to ‘resist’ Trump policies, etc.

    FTA: Self-interest in the social-services community may be at fault. As economist William A. Niskanen explained back in 1971, public agencies seek to maximize their budgets, through which they acquire increased power, status, comfort and security. To keep growing its budget, and hence its power, a welfare bureaucracy has an incentive to expand its “customer” base. With 883,000 full-time-equivalent state and local employees in 2014, California has an enormous bureaucracy. Many work in social services, and many would lose their jobs if the typical welfare client were to move off the welfare rolls.

    In other words Adam Smith and von Mises are always right – people, even those in government, are self-interested.

  4. As they flee the social experiment they created, I only pray their U-Hauls break down 3 states away from mine, as they tend to bring the same idiotic ideologies into the voting booth.

  5. What? Calicommunism isn’t working? Sucking up bums from all over isn’t working out? Well, relax. Portland mayor is turbo charging his bum vacuum, should be taking a lot of pressure off the state of California. Seattle mayor has one of the most powerful bum magnets on the west coast. That should help also.

  6. Joe Biden recently said that “California is the nation’s future.” Looking at the utter assholish intransigence of the democrats and the GOP leadership to any other course than having the US becoming an open borders fucking shithole, I can’t help but agree with Biden. The ruling classes and their lapdog media and government bureaucracy along with a relatively small but utterly brainwashed and loudmouthed pack of young people, pseudo-intellectual fucktards, anti-white racists, and nihilists are fully committed to that end.

    It’s only a matter of time. Trump can try to fix this, but people with access to power are just so easily bought off and beaten down over time.

  7. @Bad_Brad,
    “The Libtard Communists here have destroyed the middle class. You’re either making 300K a year and up, or you are minimum wage. Not much in between.” Sounds like a dangerous mix to me….

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. Whatever the article said the reality is worse because the California citizens – each and every one of them – owes about $10,000 for state & local pension debt.

    Pension debt is $400B
    Population is 40 million

  9. “You got to secede from these people. They will reproduce like locusts, devour all and spread to other states.”

    California State Election Commission needs to be investigated. It’s one story after another of fraud. Today there’s a story about how a couple SoCal Counties, including L.A. County have 125% voter registration. How’s that work? Last week it was a mind blowing number of dead people still voting. That number was WAAAAAY bigger than any DACA recipients. There’s been stories about entire counties in SoCal allowing their illegal population to vote. We NEED a federal investigation. It’s corrupt as all hell. We are half a step away from becoming freaking Venezuela.

  10. It’s like the U.S. is on a countdown timer. Immigration, Medicaid, public pensions, housing costs, medical costs, public and private debt, deficit spending… all Out.Of.Control.

  11. What Sacramento doesn’t realize is that it’s California’s natural beauty and great climate that makes the state attractive – not state Democrats. A lot of Californians like California despite its politicians – not because of them.

    Compare California to Illinois – another politically screwed up and corrupt state. The difference is that Illinois doesn’t have an entire coastline of beaches or great mountain communities, and it’s cold in winter and humid in summer. Consequently, about 23,000 taxpayers left Illinois last year, but Mike Madigan just doesn’t care so long as he continues to line his pockets. And, tellingly, these folks didn’t migrate to California like they would have 25 years ago. California and Illinois have something else in common in that if you don’t have to retire there, most people don’t.

    Liberals like to toss around the word “sustainability,” but California isn’t sustainable. As California politicians drive out the middle class, they have to replace those people with immigrants who generally don’t have the drive, education or skills to replace those who are leaving, and who increase the pressure on social services. California is a state where the next recession may collapse its economy.

  12. @ Bad_Brad
    Californians need to take the State to court and sue them for all the voter fraud. I believe there are still states in the south under remedies imposed by the DOJ for voting isues that date back to the 1960s.

    Just the fact that they issue drivers licenses to illegal aliens and register them at the same time, while putting the burden on the poll workers to unregister them, is nothing less than disenfranchising the votes of the legal citizens. What I state above may not be completely accurate, but the issuing of the licenses was meant to enable voter fraud. I don’t think it would be hard to prove in federal court. The Trump DOJ should jump on this. Do you think BHO & Holder would have given this a pass if it was affecting Demonrats?

    Time to tell the Progs to take their fake voter suppression and other excuses for voter ID laws and shove it up their ass.

  13. joe6pak

    I’m of the opinion that if there were no voter fraud in this state it would be real close to turning conservative. All of the north and most of the inland votes conservative already.

  14. Brad, you are probably right. I’ve got to believe that if we don’t fix the voter fraud problem we will be SOL soon. Cleaning up the voter rolls needs to be a higher priority than it is now!

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