He has the squint of stupid.
I chose this section out of a long form video. If you enjoy hearing leftwing idiocy, by all means watch the rest.
Watch HERE
Specifically, here is where the moron realized his argument fell apart, and it’s infuriating that Tim Pool didn’t seize the moment. HERE
“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”
― Ronald Reagan
“So women have a right to refuse the jab?”
“Whoa cowboy, that’s a bridge too far. The jab is to PROTECT ME!”
I don’t understand it’s the mother’s body autonomy when the baby has totally different DNA from the mother. Therefore, the baby has its own body autonomy.
Who is that f**kwad???
Why not deliver the baby then it is not the woman’s body anymore?
This idiot keeps yammering on about “forced birth” as though late term abortion somehow magically makes the baby disappear. In a late term aborion, the baby is killed, dismembered (not necessarily in that order), and then the child is expelled via the birth canal. The woman essentially gives birth to the mangled corpse of her baby’s body. The difference between “forced birth” and a late term abortion is the murder of a fully viable human being
Abortion is the leading cause of death in this country, these people are farking ghouls.
99% of women killing their babies spread their legs willingly, some spread them multiple times for multiple men during their time of conception. Staple the dang thing shut then you won’t get pregnant.
One thing to be proud of now in Oklahoma, abortions are zero, not one baby is being murdered in this state now.
How the hell did we get to this point? Nobody talked like they
did on that boring vid back in 1954 when I was not aborted.
There is TOO a dumber guy!
His argument, as is with all liberals is based on his belief that babies are not human beings and do not have the right to live.
Dermocrats should be allowed to kill their babies, since that’s what they apparently want anyway and will go into a non-ending massive whine-and-rant if they cannot get their destructive ways and means.
So, It’s the only way to be sure…for the rest of Society’s sake.