A Hamlet In Long Island Is Being Sued Because They Require German Ancestry To Live There – IOTW Report

A Hamlet In Long Island Is Being Sued Because They Require German Ancestry To Live There

What if the Germans identify as black and Hispanic? Will that do?

NY Post-

A New York suburb that was established by Nazi sympathizers in the years leading up to World War Two still uses discriminatory housing practices to ensure its residents remain white, according to a lawsuit filed this week.

A couple who lived in Yaphank, a hamlet of 6,000 about 65 miles (105 km) east of New York City, claims the organization that owns the land under their house enforces bylaws requiring homeowners to be primarily of German ancestry.

In a lawsuit filed on Monday in federal court in Central Islip, Philip Kneer and Patricia Flynn-Kneer said the German American Settlement League had violated federal housing law.

“Since its incorporation in 1937, the GASL has excluded non-whites from its membership, recreational programs, and summer homes in favor of new residents with German ancestry,” the complaint said.

The league owns the land in Siegfried Park, a residential community in Yaphank, and rents out approximately 50 lots to its members, according to the lawsuit.


14 Comments on A Hamlet In Long Island Is Being Sued Because They Require German Ancestry To Live There

  1. During WWI, Irving Berlin wrote the show, “Yip Yip Yaphank” when he was stationed in Camp Upton – located in Yaphank, LI. The show included “God Bless America” and “Oh How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning” and other songs.

  2. The shyster lawyer is misrepresenting the situation. As far as I can tell, they aren’t excluding non-whites. They are requiring German descent. There are plenty of Afro-Germans (do a web search).

  3. My ancestry has been traced. Grandma’s maiden name was Fritz.
    Family on both sides came over around 1840 from Germany
    I guess I qualify to live there. But Long Island is part of New York state , SO no thanks

  4. I abhor any kind of Socialism – Communism, Progressivism, Fascism or NATIONAL SOCIALISM (as practiced by Germany, Peron’s Argentina and Chavez’s Venezuela)

    But these National Socialists fucked up when they incorporated their hamlet. They should have founded it as a social club, 501C3, and keep it below 500 memberships. Then they can legally exclude all they want. “We’re a club and you ain’t gittin’ in!”

  5. My paternal great grandpa came over on the boat from Germany around 1900 and my last name is obviously and only German, but I met a black guy when I was in the Army back in the early eighties whose last name was the same a my own.

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