A New Low – IOTW Report

A New Low


A new ABC News and Washington Post poll give Joe Biden his lowest approval ratings as the commander-in-chief to date.

This latest poll shows Biden’s approval rating at 37 percent. ABC News reported that a “career-low 37% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance overall, with 55% disapproving.” MORE

34 Comments on A New Low

  1. What’s disgusting is the amount of people that think he’s doing a swell job. Just like during the campaign he’s hiding in his basement while the world burns. Guess that’s leadership to some people.

  2. Maybe he was actually accidentally telling the truth in that interview last week; maybe some Americans are indeed suffering from Covid-induced psychosis. Apparently 37%. More likely Covid-vaccination-induced.

  3. ABC News/Washington Post poll?

    Anybody who’d put any credence into that poll is a brain-dead moron.
    Pretty sure that even Joey doesn’t believe that (and he epitomizes brain-dead morons).
    Total bullshit – one end to the other.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Proof of how skewed and worthless these phony polls are will be forthcoming shortly. Just watch these poll numbers go up on Wednesday morning after Dementia Joe gives his State of Dementia Address on Tuesday.

  5. Poll was 85% democrats/commies, taken in a teacher’s lounge, made up, or taken at a blue tarp subdivision under a bridge where correct answer was rewarded with a bottle of Thunderbird.

  6. This latest poll shows Biden’s approval rating at 37

    Yeah, and……so what, 37% is way too complementing for Biden. What’s the 63% who disapprove doing about it? Crickets…

  7. Dryedoutgulch, diarrhea, someone, has to have the opposing view. After coming here I feel sooooo unclean, that just might work, sit on the throne & poop this unclean crap out.

  8. Air… and others,
    Don’t lump all anonymous posts together. I, for one just refuse to signin in the same reasons I refuse to comply with injecting an experimental drug into my arm.
    That being said, the author of this article says it is difficult to refer to Biden as president. I personally would rather refer to him as a pile of dog shit, with apologies to my dog for his backyard works of art.



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