A New Study Finds That Men Are Weaker Today Than They Were 30 Years Ago – IOTW Report

A New Study Finds That Men Are Weaker Today Than They Were 30 Years Ago

So why are men today so much weaker?

saw mill

They are less likely to be employed in manual labor jobs, such as in the manufacturing and agricultural fields, than they used to be, says study author Dr Elizabeth Fain, an assistant professor of occupational therapy at Winston-Salem State University in the US.

More at Men’s Health


roping manual labor


h/t UnashamedDomesticDame.

25 Comments on A New Study Finds That Men Are Weaker Today Than They Were 30 Years Ago

  1. Yes but their texting thumbs are much stronger than ours were.

    I’m pretty sure that most readers of this blog had jobs during high
    School and right after like I did. Worked as a laborer for a roofer hauling shingle bundles up ladders, humped furniture for a furniture store. Back breaking stuff that built legs, shoulders, arms. .. And asses as tight as a ball of string. That drew the attention of the ladies, so no complaints.

  2. The age of the flower-child progressive, beginning in the 60’s, has produced the feminized beta-male. Well… pussified testosterone-challenged male. That’s why they despise manly occupations and behavior. Actually it may be similar to female penis-envy but maybe we should call it testicular envy when found in these males.

  3. Probably true, but at what price? A lot of my friends worked construction their whole lives; now at about 60 they have numerous physical problems. Yes, they are stronger that we desk jockeys, but I don’t live on Advil.

    I agree that modern men need to be more physically fit, but this article is too simplistic. I did manual labor in my younger years, and was happy with what I was doing, but even then I knew it would take a physical toll later in life. I also used to run a lot of miles every week, and eventually that took a toll on my knees and ankles. At some point, people will realize that moderation is truly important.

  4. Most people nowdays don’t actually DO anything requiring manual labor skills. No-one changes oil, no-one rotates a tire. I was talking to a construction guy the other day and he said the typical high school kid doesn’t know how to swing a hammer or read a tape measure.

    No-one is going into the trades. I’ve often said, when the last plumber dies, we’re in deep crap.

    When stuff breaks, you throw it away and buy new. If your toilet breaks you call the landlord. If you actually OWN a house you might know how to fix something but if it’s more than a screwdriver job you call a pro.

    Just tonight my wife tells me the dryer doesn’t dry and won’t stop rotating. I google it, find out it’s a common failure and order the part. Youtube shows me how to save $100 and do it myself.

  5. Was out with my going on 87 year old mom this week. She lamented on today’s “lack of manly” generation.
    She opined that if we got hit like WWII, who will rise up and fight the enemy? She’s ready to die. :(j

  6. @wyatt

    I wasn’t recommending a life time of back breaking labor but every young man should put in some time with a pick and shovel. With a hammer and nails.

    Enough time doing that motivates you to do the work that lifts you to a career where you’re paid to get someone else to be the shovel man. It’s called advancement ajnd if you’re good at it the guy with the shovel today gets the same motivation and becomes your asst.

    But hard physical labor for a period of life teaches a young man. Exposes them to skills. And motivates to higher goals.

  7. Its getting worse. Every kid these days is obsessed with everything internet/computing. Their faces shoved in a screen every waking hour. The average teen these days is overweight and sloven. Its a shame to see. So much less time outdoors burning off energy.

  8. I’m 60, and one of the top 3 strongest guys in either gym I belong to. And the young guys are an embarrassment. Something I’ve noticed, it’s not the first 8 reps that build muscle it’s the last two. Most young guys can’t mentally get those last two. So it’s not just physical strength they lack.

  9. The cities that are packed with liberals seem to have the same problem everywhere, they run the whole state and they outnumber us, but hardly any of them have ever had a callous on their hand in less they are play guitar.
    Guys with big bushy beards, skinny legs, skinny jeans or pajamas, a man bun, tie-dye, Blue purple or green hair, lots of hardware and won’t work in less they can dink with their phones while they’re working. I look at the situation and I think we’re doomed.

  10. Wyatt, I have been in construction all my life, and at age 61 can still pull 8 hours of running up and down ladders with a tool belt on and materials.
    I don’t have back pain like most of the desk jockeys I know. About the only time I have any pain is for a few minutes when I first lay down in bed after a particularly rough job.

  11. I can’t stand being around effeminate men, or bulldyke women. I miss the good old days when men were men, and women were ladies.

    I’ve done physical work all of my life, starting earlier than most, and learned early on that working your ass off is good therapy.
    I could cut more nails or chain link fence with a pair of diagonal cutters than anybody who ever tried to challenge me – and I have put several young gym monkeys to shame with that trick; great way to get them to shut the fuck up, and take their betting money away at the same time.
    I could also run uphill to the top of a steep hill (1/4 mile or so) faster than anybody who ever tried to challenge me, back in the day. Fuck that running uphill stuff now.

    My dad, back in the Army Air Corp, could run backwards and keep up with everybody who were running forwards, so they gave him the nickname, “Jeep”. He could row a boat faster than most, and swim farther, and he had one hell of a right cross too.

    Now my son has inherited that same ability to knock a man on his ass. Like me and his grandpa, he started boxing adult men when he was 14 or 15.

    But don’t get me started bragging. (sorry :>)

    You want to see pussified men, just look at the effeminate Hillary and Bernie voters — they will put the “Suck” in America in their queen gets the throne.

    One more thing for those who don’t know: soy products have an estrogen effect on men who consume them. They say the same about soft plastic bottles, especially when they are exposed to the sun.
    People are lazy and they eat shit instead of real food. Gonna be problems. Plus all the gay shit on tv.
    I could go on all night ….

  12. jcLady: “She opined that if we got hit like WWII, who will rise up and fight the enemy?” You know damn good and well who would rise up to fight for this country…it would be us old phartes of the Vietnam war era, since obama has FAGGOTIZED our military to the point of near no return.

  13. I agree that today’s men are pathetic little pussyboys. I look at them and think, “Honey, it took 22 years for my state record of a 1:29 600-yard dash to fall. What have YOU done lately?”

    Of course, if any of these faggot-assed motherfuckers would ever give me their seats or hold a door open for me, I might like them more. A little.

  14. Watched Arnold’s “pumping iron” documentary. He explains that it’s the reps you do after it starts to hurt that actually build muscle. He also says that most people can’t work past the hurt thus never get the big gains.

    Of course, body building and “being ripped” is a whole other discussion, but the part about working past the hurt is the key takeaway there.

    Regarding the body building stuff, you would notice that the “worlds strongest man” competition winners NEVER look like Arnold or any other Mr. Universe contender.

  15. It’s unfermented soy that has a deleterious effect on men. Products like tofu, soy milk or edamame are definitely things I never touch.

    Fermented soy products like soy sauce or miso are fine.

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