BREAKING: @abcnews anchor @arobach caught on 'hot mic' in August disgustedly exposing networks decision to strategically spike bombshell investigation into Jefferey Esptein over THREE YEARS AGO.
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 5, 2019
Says what she had was "unbelievable" #EpsteinCoverup:
25 Comments on ABC spiked Epstein stories
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So what is she so ‘pissed’ about? The fact that she didn’t get to advance her career by running the story, or the denial of justice to Epstein’s (and his pals) victims?
Project Veritas oversold this particular clip with its red alert. There is no insider information on the killing of Epstein here.
Amy, when you’re not ‘blowing’ whistles, here’s my number…
The part about how she had everything about the Clintons is the important part.
Is this the story that caused death threats against James O’Keefe? If it is he is turning into the boy that cried wolf.
Who cares that some journo bimbo didn’t get lede credit?
I was under the credible impression we’d get inside video/audio of who killed Epstein. Now I kinda feel like a schlump for sending you the link BFH.
As others have noted, this is NOT what Veritas was selling it to be. That was a serious mistake on their part. You can’t get credibility back, and in their line of business credibility is everything.
This is the same crap Hannity an Beck used to pull. A build up to Meh.
Was that it? I thought it was a teaser for more, like a list of names.
Project Veritas can only do so much with a few minutes of insider video. It’s all up to Robach now. Spill the beans, Amy. You are not the victim.
“Project Veritas oversold this particular clip with its red alert.”
Respectfully disagree. The fact that she invoked Clinton is red flag worthy. Yeah, it’s old news to us, but to the average mindless American who still (falsely) thinks Trump was besties with Epstein? This is indeed a big deal because oh so much more can yet come out.
True this says nothing about how Epstein was suicided, but it really doesn’t need to. The connection is there now, made by someone not a Trumpian right wing nutjob. It is indeed a big deal because it’ll only get bigger…well, until someone gets suicided.
Grools got this one. – “it’s old news to us.”
Interesting how she said the girl handler GM should “get security gauards around her, that’s what I would do” she said.
Well Amy start the hiring process! Oh and Good Luck you are going to need it now more than ever.
Veritas played this one cagey, putting it out there knowing the connection would (or should) make itself for almost anyone who watches the video, without Veritas having to say outloud what we all know is likely true. The blonde doesn’t herself connect Clinton to it — she’d probably scoff at the idea — but she DOES mention Clinton in the context of the now-dead Epstein, and that’s enough. Mission accomplished.
And the fact that SHE says ABC spiked this for THREE YEARS also damages them beyond belief. SHE did it, their own anchor, not O’Keefe.
Well played, Veritas.
@Blue Toof November 5, 2019 at 9:19 am
> Amy, when you’re not ‘blowing’ whistles, here’s my number…
Eww! You
neverknow where that’s been!Okay, watched the second video instead of just the first one. She does say she believes he was offed.
Yeah, Veritas nailed this one.
I would say if James O’Keefe learned anything from Andrew Breitbart, it is to let the naysayers speak out, call this a nothing burger (implicating themselves), then James drops the hammer down & lets the chips fall where they may.
I hope …
Blue Toof November 5, 2019 at 9:19 am
Amy, when you’re not ‘blowing’ whistles, here’s my number…
Are you sure you want that disease riddled mouth to blow you? No telling where that mouth has been.
Maybe I’m missing something, but it looks like there is “more to come.” James O’Keefe has his particular methods. There is more “private” video that will air, not just this Amy Robach clip. I wouldn’t write him off just yet.
I would recommend that you guys bookmark the twitter link above and keep checking in. Apparently Jack Dorsey is working to keep this from “trending” and O’Keefe has asked ” Are you worried, Jack?” You don’t have to sign up for twitter to check out O’Keefe’s account. Remember how O’Keefe always keeps dripping out more and more after everyone says “Oh, that’s not important.”
Is it possible for me to take out a life insurance policy on Amy?
“Project Veritas oversold this particular clip with its red alert. There is no insider information on the killing of Epstein here.“
Not to worry, there is likely more to come. The Pressure from the Royals and the Clintons is pretty important, as is her statement that she is “100% sure Epstein was murdered”. She has info, and she is “pissed off” enough to tell what she knows.
ABC has begun tripping on themselves. heh.
O’Keefe should have undersold this, then once it was released it would have its own legs. Having oversold it has skeptics and naysayers like me disappointed when in reality this is a good addition to the ongoing story.
@Tony R November 5, 2019 at 11:23 am
> Is it possible for me to take out a life insurance policy on Amy?
Wife her up. It’s the current year! You don’t have to be the only one.
Amy just betrayed a Deep State strategy and her connection to a cover up. She better know the Lord – get His protection to avoid experiencing Arkansacide.